8~Living Water

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 "Shouldn't they be back by now?"

Josh lifted his head at Parker's question, wondering the same thing. They'd been gone almost five hours. Too long. Leaning against a palm tree, he focused on taking slow, deep breaths to ease the panic rising within him. What if something happened to them? Did they get lost? Should he go looking for them? Josh was going crazy speculating.

Finally, he answered.  "I'm giving them another hour."

"Then what?"

I don't know. "I could search for them while you stay with Tanner." Josh's troubled gaze moved to Tanner, who was in a restless sleep. His face was red and he moaned as if in pain.

Parker shook his head. "No way, I'm not staying behind."

"You want to go look for the others?" Josh lifted a brow, challenging Parker. "Fine. I'll stay here."

"No. That won't work. We need to stay together."

Though he hated to agree with Parker on anything, Josh didn't like the idea of separating either, but what choice did they have if Tanner didn't wake up? Resting his elbows on his knees he bent his head, searching for answers.

When I was in the water with the sharks, I prayed.

Startled, Josh's head jerked up at the replay of Caleb's words. Thankfully, Parker was trying to crack a coconut and not paying him much mind. With a heavy sigh, he rubbed his head. Was he losing his mind? He'd heard Caleb's voice clearly, speaking the words from last night. When I was in the water with the sharks, I prayed.

He understood Annie's search for God. She'd been through a lot this past year, and her family had become involved in church. Though they never discussed religion, Josh saw her reading a Bible sometimes at school. She was in a lot pain, blaming herself for stuff that wasn't really her fault. He felt sorry for her.

Caleb pretending to be religious was a joke. The dude was a partier and a player. He was a typical jock, popular and cocky. As the star quarterback Caleb led their high school football team to the state championship, but that was months ago and since then Caleb's ego had grown bigger than the state of Texas.

Girls worshipped him. Rachel and Dani worshipped him. Josh sighed, his gut clenching as he faced the bitter truth. He was jealous. Some of his anger faded. Caleb had almost died trying to save his friend's life. If believing in a nonexistent God made him feel better, Josh shouldn't judge.

When I was in the water with the sharks, I prayed.

Josh tried to block the voice.

I prayed.

I prayed.


Josh didn't realize he'd spoken aloud until Parker turned, his expression stunned.

He got to his feet, picked up the coconut Parker was working on and threw it against the palm tree with all his might. It splintered.

Parker's gaze slid to the cracked coconut. "You okay?" he asked warily.

Josh's breathing was labored. He took a moment to answer. "Yeah. I really want some coconut."

Parker lifted his arms, watching Josh like he would an axe murderer. "Knock yourself out."

Scooping up the coconut he opened it and knelt beside Tanner. "Hey, you need to drink something," he said, offering the water.

Tanner surprisingly obeyed. "Thanks, dude."

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