3~Caleb and the Shark

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 "Shark!" Fear shot through Rachel.

"We're gonna die!" Parker shrieked.

Josh tensed, feeling helpless. He had to think. "I need an oar!"

Rachel moved quickly, finding an oar and handing it to him. Josh plunged it in the water and paddled desperately, trying to reach Caleb and ignoring Parker's protests. Dani moved to his side with the other oar and helped him paddle, her strokes surprisingly strong.

"Are you crazy? You're going the wrong way!" Parker cried. His girlfriend sobbed.

Josh could not believe the guy. "Stop whining and help me!"

Tanner was passed out, and Parker was the only other man around no matter how poor an excuse of one he was.

"He's a dead man! The boats full! We got to save ourselves!"

"We're not leaving him." Josh paddled with all his strength.

With a cry of rage, Parker lunged for Dani's oar and almost knocked her from the lifeboat when she refused to release it.

She stumbled backwards, and Josh caught her against him, dipping his head to hers. "You okay?"

Her head bobbed. Then, as if sensing he needed to hear the words, she spoke. "I'm fine, Josh. Keep going!"

Parker reached for the oar, but Josh dodged him. His temper rose. Carefully setting Dani aside, Josh fisted Parker's shirt and pushed him away.

Caleb was running out of time. "Interfere again and you won't be getting up for awhile!"

Arms covering his head, Parker whimpered. Missy dropped her face in her hands. Josh wanted to tell her that her jerk of a boyfriend would be fine, maybe throw in how she'd picked a real winner, but he had to reach Caleb.


The panic in Rachel's voice made his stomach drop. They were paddling as fast as they could. He looked up and stared in terror. Dozens of sharks circled Caleb.


The shark rammed into Caleb's side, knocking the breath from him.

He'd never given much thought to how he would die. He was only seventeen, about to graduate high school with his whole life ahead of him. In less than three months he was supposed to be in college on a full scholarship for football. Now, it seemed he wouldn't live another day.

"God, if you're listening I don't want to die." The plea tore from his soul.

He saw Rachel watching him from the lifeboat, crying. His heart ached. He didn't want her to see him die, especially not this way.

"I know I don't deserve it," Caleb continued, thinking of all the times his mom had asked him to go to church with her on Sundays. He always had something else to do. He thought of his mom, and he could almost hear her voice. Not my will, but Yours be done.

Was it God's will that he die today?

Another fin swam by his face. How many was that? He'd lost count. At least he'd die fast. He wondered what they were waiting for. They just kept swimming around him, and—Caleb blinked, eyes wide. The fins around him were hooked, not like the one that swam in the distance. They were dolphins! Hope filled him.


"They're helping him!" Rachel cried. Her tearful gaze met Dani's. "They are," Dani agreed, smiling with relief.

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