⌁ ʜᴇ's k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ 🄲🅄🅃🄴 ⌁

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~{Author's POV}~

𝓐rlo had received a call from Remi telling him to go to the roof. So being the person he was he said no and then started making his way over.

When he opened the door to the roof he saw Sera pacing around with Remi and Elaine trying to calm her down.

"What happened to her?" Arlo questioned, pointing at Seraphina.

"Apparently John was really off earlier." Elaine shrugged pulling her distraught roommate into a hug.

"He looked sick! He was sweating and shaking, he was unsteady. He was hyperventilating too! He even threw up and then passed out!" Sera exclaimed, her voice wavering.

"Arlo, it would mean a lot to us if you can go talk to Doctor Darren and check on John." Remi smiled at the blond as she rubbed her hand in a circle on Seraphina's back.

"Sure" Arlo spoke as he turned on his heels and started back down the stairs.


Arlo opened the door and walked over to Doctor Darren.

"Remi sent me to check on John." Arlo informed him. Doctor Darren sighed and handed Arlo his report. Arlo took the folder and opened it as he walked over to John's bed and sat down.

He skimmed through it until he found a part in bold.

'After further testing, it appears that he had a panic attack.'

Arlo looked up from the paper and stared at John who was still passed out.

'He looks so calm.' Arlo thought you himself as he stared at the man who had dethroned him and the other royals. "And... cute." Arlo's eyes widened as he realized not only that he said that out loud but that he had called him cute.

John must have heard Arlo as he soon woke up. He didn't show any sign of him actually hearing exactly what he said though.

"Arlo?" John mumbled as he sat up.

"What is it?" Arlo pretended that he had been looking at the folder the whole time.

"Why are you here?" The king yawned, going to stand up.

"Sera wanted me to check on you." Arlo informed him, helping John stand up. John raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where is she." John asked the blond, it was more of a statement than a question really but Arlo got the point.

"The roof" He replied the two now outside the office. John immediately took off. "John wait!" Arlo called, grabbing the shorter male's wrist.

"What is it." John hissed.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Arlo smiled weakly.

"No, I don't." John growled, swiping his hand away from Arlo's before continuing to make his way up to the roof.

Arlo stood there, thinking to himself.

'Why am I so disappointed that he left?'


I almost published part 3 on accident lmao-

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