⌁ 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 ⌁

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Arlo woke up to a door creaking open. He looked over to the door and saw Blyke standing there.

"Umm... congratulations? I'm just gonna... go. Yeah, um, see ya later." The redhead said, pointing behind him, awkwardly walking outside, and closing the door.

Arlo carefully felt around for his phone on the nightstand. Once finding it he looked at the time.

'Five(5) pm, I should probably go home now.' Arlo sighed and inched John off of him. He quickly put the pillow back to where he found it and plugged in John's phone before exiting the dorm, saying goodbye to Blyke on his way out.

~the next day~

John woke up, as usual, the previous day's events rushing through his mind. He decided to deal with his mom's proposal after school and then went to get dressed.

Afterward, he stumbled through the school and out the front doors, taking position beside them. His only thoughts being what happened between him and Arlo yesterday and, of course, Arlo himself.

Having been sitting there for thirty minutes already he had started to debate whether or not he should tell Arlo about what is his mom said or tell Arlo his feelings.

~meanwhile with Arlo~

Arlo was already up and on his way to school. He had decided to walk to school that day despite knowing he'd regret it on the way back.

As he approached the school building he saw John zoning out by the doors. The blond walked up to the shorter male.

"John?" Arlo said to gain John's attention.

"There you are. I've been waiting for you for so long." John complained as he dragged Arlo inside. Arlo rolled his eyes and let himself get dragged.

"So where are you taking me exactly?" Arlo questioned as he was let go.

"To the roof, we have about an hour before Sera makes her way over." John explained as he ran up the stairs, Arlo following behind him with less haste.

"And why are we going there"

"We need to talk"

John pushed the door to the roof open and quickly pulled Arlo through the doors.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Arlo raised an eyebrow.

John took a deep breath.

"I like you..." he mumbled. Arlo raised an eyebrow.


John gritted his teeth. 'Is this dumbass really that oblivious?'

"So... do you like me back?" John looked up at him.

"O-oh, you're talking about romantic love."

'Are you kidding me?' John stared at him, still anticipating his answer.

"I don't like you..." John's heart stopped "I love you" Arlo smirked, pulling John closer to him.

"Oh my god, you scared me idiot" John hissed as he hugged the blond. Arlo chuckled at the reaction, butterflies filling John's stomach.

"Sorry, John" Arlo rolled his eyes.


Was this confession rushed? Yes.

was it necessary? Also yes.

Some of y'all after the last chapter:
*grabs fork with violent intent*

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