⌁ 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼- ⌁

642 36 34

Hello. I've decided to feed the demon in this chapter and supply them with some somewhat wholesome Jarlo content. :>

Also- holy shit I forgot how much sexual tension there was between them-


John groaned as his eyes were met with the bright rays of the sun.

"oh, you're awake." Arlo spoke, being held down by John.

"Shut the fuck up" John hissed as he tightened his grip on his lover.

"Well good morning to you too then" the blond rolled his eyes. "Anyway, it's time to wake up. Blyke has been messaging you for the past hour asking where you are."

"I don't care"

"It's annoying me though"

John sat up and grabbed his phone and just as Arlo had said he has sixty-one messages that had been sent over the time span of an hour.


Where are you?
Yo, I'm starting to get seriously worried.
Where the fuck are you?
Read at 7:15

Jesus Blyke.
I stayed the night with a friend, calm down.
Read at 7:17

Oh thank god you're okay.
Wait, which friend.
Read at 7:17

You wouldn't know them. Anyway, imma be staying with them for another day ttyl.
Read at 7:19

Okay, stay safe!
Read at 7:19


"There, I've calmed him." John yawned, wrapping his arms around Arlo's neck.

"Thank you, hun" Arlo smiled, placing a quick kiss on John's lips. John's face flushed red as he shifted and cuddled closer to the blond.

"I love you" John mumbled, playing with the taller male's hair.

"I love you too" Arlo replied, closing his eyes and leaning backward.

'This is stupid. The longer I spend time with him the harder it'll be to leave him. But, his presence is just so stupidly comforting. I'm sure awhile longer won't be too bad.' John debated with himself as Arlo pulled John on top of him.

"Eh?! A-Arlo what are you d-doing" John stuttered, his face now on fire.

"Nothing you're just cute when you're flustered." Arlo smirked, kissing John's lips before the shorter male had the chance to reply.

John was shocked at first but soon melted into the kiss. Sure this was moving a bit fast but the two were impatient people and didn't really care for the corny bullshit.

Their bodies flowed together as they kissed, almost as if they had been dating for years and kissing had become second nature to them.

Arlo broke the kiss and laid his head on John's shoulder. John took some time to regain his composure before pulling Arlo away from him and quickly walking away.

"What's wrong?" Arlo questioned, following after his boyfriend.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. I'm just hungry." John replied and slowing down, allowing Arlo to lead him to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" John asked the blond as he pulled out the stuff he needs. Arlo hummed a response

John smiled and went to work, his lover standing behind him occasionally pressing a kiss onto any visible skin.

"I didn't know you could cook" Arlo mumbled, grabbing John's hand and intertwining their fingers.

Arlo smiled as he watched John's face light up while he talked about his favorite foods to make and what it was like cooking for the first time.

John was cut off by Arlo pressing his lips against the other's. The raven-haired male immediately turning the stove off and kissing back.

"Arlo, the food" John exhaled, pulling away and going back to the food which was almost done.

Arlo quickly kissed John again before making his way to the dining room.

"How in the unholy hell is he so good at kissing." Arlo mumbled a little louder than intended after sitting there for three minutes.

"Why thank you" John smiled, placing the food down in front of him.

Arlo's face flushed red causing him to hide his face.

"Look at me." John spoke sternly making Arlo's attention turn to him against his will.

Arlo's eyes widened as John quickly kissed Arlo. The blond, acting faster, keeps him from moving away. John had, of course, expected this and had a plan prepared but ended up abandoning it very soon.

John sat down on Arlo's lap, deepening the kiss. Arlo licked John's bottom lip, John instantly granting him permission. The blond started exploring John's mouth with his tongue as muffled moans tried to escape.

The two pulled away, a string of saliva connecting them. John bit his lip as Arlo started sucking hickeys onto John's neck.

"Okay okay we should eat before the food goes cold" John chuckled suddenly remembering the food still sitting on the table behind him.

"One more?" Arlo smiled sweetly. John shrugged and kissed him once more before getting off of Arlo and eating his food.


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