⌁ t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ 🅃🄷🄴🄼 ⌁

884 43 64

I am still learning Spanish so yeah-


John's face burned as red crept onto his cheeks.

"Fine." He grumbles, looking away to prevent Arlo from seeing his face.

"Thank you. Seraphina and the others are worried about you. We want you to talk to us even if you don't get along with the previous royals at least talk to Seraphina." Arlo explained. John paused, analyzing Arlo's words.

"What about you?" John mumbled.


"You said Sera and the others, what about you? Do you want me to talk to you?"


"Really, do you really care Arlo? How do I know this isn't another trick to try and get me to trust you so you can betray me again?"

Arlo's eyes widened.

"I... look I'm sorry. I regret ambushing you. If I could go back and change it, I would."

"Whatever, are you done? I have class."

"oh yeah, sorry."

Arlo backed up and watch John push his way through the door.

~after school~

John quickly made his way past Blyke, Isen, and Remi who were in the front room and walked into his room.

He sat on his bed and called Eliza.

"Hello?" Eliza spoke.

"Hey, I need some advice... maybe a favor too."

"Sure but keep it quick I have vocal classes in a few minutes."

"um Arlo sugirió que le hablara a él y a los otros miembros de la realeza y no sé si puedo confiar en ellos"

"Oh, he did? Well in that case you should give them a chance."


"I know you're gonna bring up the fact that he betrayed you and my response is that if Arlo apologized and the others didn't betray you then you should give them a chance."


"Anyway, what's the favor"

"Do you think you can come down instead this time?"

"I'll try"

"Thanks Eliza, talk to you later."

"Bye John!"

"um Arlo suggested that I speak to him and the other royals and I don't know if I can trust them"

"Oh, he did? Well in that case you should give them a chance."


"I know you're gonna bring up the fact that he betrayed you and my response is that if Arlo apologized and the others didn't betray you then you should give them a chance."


"Anyway, what's the favor"

"Do you think you can come down instead this time?"

"I'll try"

"Thanks Eliza, talk to you later."

"Bye John!"


Once the two hung up John pulled himself off his bed and walked into the front room, sitting on a chair.

"Um? Can we help you?" Isen raised an eyebrow.

"Um..." John started "I want to try and be friends with you... if you want to." He finished.

Their faces lit up as they instantly shared their approval and started to talk with John.

A small smile fades onto John's face as he listened to the three talk, occasionally adding onto the conversation.

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