⌁ ᭙ꫝꪗ s̸h̸o̸u̸l̸d̸ Ȋ̈ 🄲🄰🅁🄴 ⌁

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~{Author's POV}~

𝓙ohn was laying on his bed. Arlo's words played in his head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

'Did he actually care or was it just a facade? Maybe he does care.'

"No! He ambushed me just to try and get me to join the stupid hierarchy" John shook his head, dismissing the thought that Arlo might have actually cared how John felt.

John sighed and laid his head onto the pillow and fell asleep.

~{with Arlo}~

Arlo was currently sitting on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"Why should I care if he isn't happy? It's not like he cared when he beat us royals up." He huffed. "But... he looks so hurt whenever he sees me..." Arlo mumbled, looking away from the ceiling.

~{the next day}~

Arlo looked down on the quad area from the roof.

"Why am I feeling this way?" He mumbled as he crouched down.

*C R E A K*

Arlo looked behind him and saw Sera walking over.

"What are you doing up here?" She questioned "figured you be stalking the halls."

"I'm just questioning somethings..." Arlo mumbled, looking back down at the students below.

"Questioning what, maybe I can help?" Sera spoke as she sat down beside him.

"It's about John" Arlo informed.

"really? Thought it'd be about your oh so precious hierarchy." Sera teased, turning on her phone. "Anyway, what about him?"

Arlo rolled his eyes at the comment before speaking again. "I just... he looks so unhappy and I don't like that." He sighed.

"You? Caring about how someone feels?" Sera giggles at the thought of the blond actually caring for someone, much less John.

"Shut up. You said you would try to help not make fun of me." Arlo reminded her, flicking her forehead.

"Yeah yeah whatever, it's pretty obvious why you feel that way"

"Well are you gonna explain or leave me hanging?"

"Pretty simple answer, you have a crush on him" Sera smirked, setting her phone down.

"A crush?! Where did that come from?!" Arlo

"Do you ever feel jealous when someone hugs him or that you want to just hug him and fall asleep in his arms?" Sera questioned. Arlo nodded. "Definitely a crush then."

"That's so bullshit..." Arlo mumbled, crossing his arms and sitting back down.

"Would I lie about anything involving John?" Sera questioned.

Arlo shook his head and mumbled, "no..."


I fell asleep before I wrote the last sentence and I was hella triggered when I woke up.

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