⌁ 𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓫𝓮 𝓘 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓱𝓲𝓶... ⌁

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Arlo had soon found himself falling asleep despite his best efforts to stay awake until John wakes up.

John, on the other hand, was- still asleep.

*walks across room* YES BE 👏 GAY 👏 WITH 👏 HIM 👏. I should probs stop breaking the forth wall- yeah- um- let's move on.

They laid together for a good ten minutes before Arlo was awoken by a phone ringing. He sat up and looked around.

'John's phone?' He reaches out and grabs it from the nightstand.

Caller ID:

'Who the hell is Blair?' Arlo raised an eyebrow. He hesitantly shook John awake and handed him the phone.

"Hello?" John spoke to the phone. Arlo laid down, wrapping his arms around John's waist, and falling back to sleep.

John flushed crimson.

"Hello son." Blair replied, venom dripping from her words.

"Don't call me that, im not your son anymore."

"Blood is blood and blood is important, especially when being used to make revolutionary drugs."

John rolled his eyes.

"Formula 9 is illegal everywhere in the world. Not so 'revolutionary' if you ask me."

"Shut up. I didn't call you talk about the stupid decisions that people of power make. I know something about you."

"I'd figure. You did run thousands of tests on me."

"No, what I'm saying is... a man with pale skin, blond hair, he's 6'3, he's clinging onto you right now, he has a big ass crush on you, his parents are also famous, and goes by the name of Arlo. On top of all that, he's the man you have a crush on. I will also go after your little friends Seraphina, Remi, Blyke, Isen, and Elaine."

John eyes widened as he tried to comprehend what his birth mom just said.

"And what's so special about that?"

"Because I will-"

John felt a wave of anger wash over as he protectively pulled Arlo closer to him.

"I swear to god if you touch them I'll murder you"

"I won't do anything if you come back to me."


"You have three days to decide, I'll also book the flight if you want to come back!"

Blair hung up on him. John glared at the phone before throwing it on a pillow that was on the floor.

The raven haired male looked at the man clinging onto him.

John laid down and nuzzled closer to the other.

'My god, why is he so warm?!' John thought to himself, shifting around to find the best position.

"Hey-" John froze in his place "-stop moving already. I'm trying to sleep." Arlo commanded, pulling John closer.

"So am I." John retorted. He heard Arlo groan, before pulling John onto him.

John was confused for a second before hearing Arlo's heartbeat. John closed his eyes and fell asleep to the strangely calming rhythm.


I don't really like this but im leaving it

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