Happy Birthday Asslo

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I feel drunk- I also don't know where I'm going with this chapter but I have two days to do it-


I ended up not liking the story so here I am remaking the whole thing the day of his birthday so I'm sorry if it's short.


Today was Arlo's birthday and it seemed everyone had forgotten, not that Arlo was disappointed he wasn't expecting anyone to remember in the first place.

However, there was one person who hadn't forgotten and was going as far as to carry a strawberry cake around the whole day. Who was that person? John. Yeah, it was John.

The male, who was defending the cake from Sera, was walking down the same hallway as Arlo. He smirked as he got closer.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASSLO" he yelled as he slammed the cake into his face.

"fuck you." Arlo hissed at the shorter male. John smiled at the blond. He huffed, "thanks for remembering, I guess." Before walking away.

"No problem!" John snickered.


John currently found himself outside Arlo's house. He knocked on the door and waited a minute or two before the door was opened.

"Finally, thought you got lost along the way for a minute there." Arlo joked, John rolled his eyes at the comment.

John entered the house.

"Soo can I assume I wasn't called over here to study with you?" John questioned as he heard the frontdoor shut.

Arlo hummed as dragged John to the couch.


That's it. I'm not gonna put a whole lot of effort on a birthday special.

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