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Please skip this chapter if self-harm, abuse, and suicidal thoughts are sensitive topics to you.


𝓞ne cold day on November eighteenth two babies' screams filled a hospital room. Two twin siblings had been born. Their parents sat their proud of their children who had only just been born, unaware of the life they will lead.

Well, a week later their parents brought home their children and nurses them. A year later the two siblings said their first words. It wasn't the stereotypical momma or dada that many stories use. It was the other's name.

"J-John" The girl stuttered softly as she hugged her brother tightly.

"Eliza" the boy spoke protectively. He glared at his parents, earning chuckles from the two adults who seemed to be in their mid-twenties.

Another year later and things started getting iffy.

The twins were currently hiding in their rooms. John listening to the fighting that was occurring in another part of their house as he protected his younger sister, who was sleeping soundly, from the loud noise.

The door busted open. John quickly laid his unconscious sibling on the bed and turned around to see his mother.

"Mommy?" John questioned as he stood in front of her. The woman clenched her fist and looked at the ground before slapping John, the sound echoed slightly.

Tears welled up in John's eyes as his hand went to his cheek.

"M-mommy... why d-did you-" John stuttered.

"Shut it you brat!" Blair hissed, grabbing John by his hair, pulling him out of the room, and throwing him at the wall.

A sharp gasp exited John's mouth as the air is knocked out of him and he falls to the ground.

"YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING MISTAKE! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" Blair yelled, repeatedly kicking him in the ribs. Blair huffed before walking away.

John crawled back into his room, crying, and laid beside Eliza who was starting to wake up.

This continued for another year before it stopped, not permanently but it stopped. Why did it stop? Because Blair was pregnant.

Nine months later the abuse continued but Eliza was finally starting to take notice of what was happening.

One night while John was grabbing some water from the kitchen Blair walked in and told him to follow her. She led him downstairs and into her lab where he was chained up and experimented on with Chemical 9, a chemical that Blair was making that would give cripples an ability.

John screamed and cried all night, begging for Blair to stop. She did stop, eventually. But she left John there all night.

"W-why does m-mommy hate *hic* m-me..." John sobbed as he pulled his knees into his chest and the best he could with his wrists chained behind him. "M-maybe it's because... I'm not good enough... I need to be p-perfect."

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