⌁ 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝔁𝓬𝓽 ⌁

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𝓘t had been a week since he had befriended Remi, Blyke, and Isen. He had also gone ahead and befriended Elaine as well as starting to talk to Seraphina again. The last on his lest to be befriend was Arlo.

As of right now though John was sitting at his desk doing his homework.

He leaned back, putting the pencil down. It had now been twenty minutes of work most of that time being spent revising to make sure it was perfect out of habit.

He heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" John called, spinning around to face the door.

"It's Blyke." The redhead responded.

"Come in." John yawned as he turned back around.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I'm revising my homework."

Blyke peered over John's shoulder.

"It looks perfect to me."

John sighed and laid his head on the desk.

"Yo how about we go get dinner together?" Blyke suggested.

John sat back up and checked the time.

"Sure" he smiled back at Blyke.

they drove around for fourteen minutes before deciding on Wendy's and then going home to watch a movie.

"I'll be right back." John informed the redhead who was setting up the movie on the tv.

"Alright" Blyke responded.

John walked into his room and shut the door. He looked at his phone.

Olivia, Charles, and I are on the plane. Can't wait to see you <3

John smiled, closed his eyes, leaned against the door. The smile fades from his face.

He looked to his bed. John sighed and walked over, kneeling down and grabbing a bag.

"Hey, John you ready?" Blyke questioned from the other side of his door.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second. you can start watching." John replied.


Once John was sure Blyke had walked away he opened the bag and grab something from it.

He exposed his wrist.

Skipping this cause I'm sure y'all know where this is going.

John walked out of his room after properly bandaging his scars.

"Oh? We're watching Sugar Rush?" John raises an eyebrow.

Blyke nods, "I noticed you like cooking so I thought you might like a cooking show. I'm also kinda invested in this now." he smiled at his roommate.

John sat down and started eating.

They eventually finished their food and went to bed. Well, Blyke went to sleep. John stayed awake a bit longer to make sure everything was perfect and his room was clean.

"The Schuyler sisters Angelica, Peggy, Eliza w-"

John grabbed his phone and answered it.

"Hellooo" John answered.

"Hey, we just checked into the hotel. Are you free tomorrow?" Eliza responds from the other side of the phone.

"Sure, is it okay if I bring my friends too?"

"Of course!"

"Ok good night Eliza."

"Night ya bastard."

John chuckled before hanging up and finally going to bed.


I've been laying on my shoulder for thirty minutes and now my shoulder hurts QwQ (I got my immunizations for the new school year today)

This was technically a filler but it worked as more than a filler-

Bye-bye :>

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