⌁ 𝓞𝓱, ᴏʜ 🄽🄾 ⌁

884 44 16

𝓙ohn walked down the hallway as eyes followed him and watched his every move. He hated it, he hated the attention, he hated how they looked at him.

Arlo walked down the same hallway he also had eyes following him. The two passed each other, their shoulders hitting against the other's.

Their eyes widened as their skin tingled and butterflies started flying around in their stomachs.

John sighed as he felt a buzz in his pocket. He pulled his phone out.

Meme-ing the hell out of satan:

Friendly reminder - "doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown.

At that point, it's not your best.

Mhm! Please no one push yourself too hard!

And there's your daily dose of love from the holy two.

Truly holy.

Moving along swiftly- when are you coming back down to New Bostin?

a few months

Aight, see ya then!

Perfect, the chaos group will be completed.

I can't wait to see you!

Same to you. Anyway, I should get to class.

Bye hoes

Bye-bye bitch.

be safe!

Bye bastard.

John rolled his eyes and put his phone away.

"John!" A voice called from behind him. John turned on his heels and saw Sera, Arlo, and Remi standing beside her.

John turned around and tried to walk away but was stopped by a strong hand grabbing his shoulder.

"Please, just listen." Sera pleaded.

"I have to go to class." John mumbled, free himself from the grasp of the old royal.

Sera looked down at the floor, Remi starts comforting her. Arlo clenches his fist and goes after John.

Arlo grabs the shorter male's wrist and pulls him up to the roof.

"What the hell are you doing Arlo?!" John hissed, stumbling up the stairs and through the door.

"Listen to me, at least for a minute." Arlo speaks sternly as he pushes John against the door.

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