⌁ 𝓼𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮 - ending one ⌁

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I've officially woken up so yeah-
Also, I might make a sequel if y'all really want one.

It had been a year since John left. He received hundreds of calls and messages from his friends and family asking where he was and if we was okay but those stopped months ago.

John suspected that Arlo had forgotten him and moved on. No, he hoped that Arlo had forgotten him and moved on as much as it hurt him to think that Arlo might be kissing some that isn't him he knew Arlo deserved it.

"BRAT, COME HERE" Blair hollered from downstairs. John sighed and put his pencil down before walking downstairs.

"Yes, Blair?" He asked her.

"I've arranged for you to marry Aubrey Smith. The wedding is in two days, don't disappoint us this time." Blair hissed as her boyfriend pulled her close. John's eyes widened as rage coursed through his veins.

"What? No! I've never met her! On top of that, I'm gay!" John snapped, clenching his fists.


Tears welled in John's eyes.

"You will marry her. That's final." Blair growled.

"I can't marry anyone if I'm not alive." John mumbled.

"NO, WE NEED THE MONEY!" Blair yelled, John ignored her and stormed up to the roof. "GET HIM"

John looked down at the ground which was so many feet below him.

"Young master, please back away from the edge." One of Blair's bodyguards said, trying to coax John over to him.

John looked behind him. He sighed, pulled out his phone, clicked a few buttons, and stepped over the edge.




Time slowed down as all of John's memories surfaced. One of those memories was his first date with Arlo, the river that bathed in moonlight, the stars that smiled down on the two lovers, the insects that sang love songs.

Tears started streaming down John's face, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

His body hit the ground, sirens blaring in the background. John's limp body was lifted up into the ambulance and drove to emergency room.


"How's my son? Is okay?" John's father and step mother started throwing questions at the doctors as Eliza tried to push her way into the room and Olivia comforted Charles as they cried.

A doctor walked out of the room, a grim look on his face.

"I have news." He spoke, gaining the families attention. "I'm sorry for your loss..." he mumbled.

William clenched his fists as he let tears fall from his eyes, John's step mom hugging him, tears also streaming down from her eyes.

Eliza let out a heartbreaking scream before running to comfort her siblings.

Olivia and Charles started sobbing as they wrapped their hands around Eliza.

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