⌁ 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝚊𝚛𝚎 🅈🄾🅄? ⌁

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𝓑lair Rotsworth, a famous scientist who makes millions of dollars a year.

She has burnt golden eyes, short dark blue hair, pale skin, and a heart of stone. Blair is obsessed with abilities and power. She is a mother of four and has been divorced once.

Her oldest two kids known by the names of Emerald and Liz to the public were successful models and singers before Emerald disappeared from the public eye. Liz seemed to be greatly effected and choose not to speak on the topic of her twin brother's sudden disappearance.

Liz's younger siblings, Olivia and Charles, or as public known Oli and Chaz, take after their parents and siblings and also become famous, Olivia is known for her dancing and Charles for his clothing.

But that's all in the public eye. What about their private life? Well, privately Liz and Emerald are known as Eliza and John. They're the oldest of their two other siblings, John being the older twin, and thus they are the examples.

John is incredibly good at cooking and makeup, on top of that, he has looks. He studies hard and gets amazing grades.

Eliza's singing is beautiful and her writing mesmerizing pretty much everyone that reads it. She wanted to be a writer like her father but it seems that it wasn't in her deck of card.

Olivia spends hours at a time just working on perfect her dances. She sees no point in being polite and isn't scared to come back with a snarky comment. This sassy behavior often gets her into fights at school which John and Eliza have to pull her out of.

Charles. His art is flawless and the execution of his designs are even better. He's very reserved and spends most of his time reading Eliza's writing or listening to music while doodling.

They seem like they have everything and that they're perfect. But no one is perfect and it's time people realized that. We'll start with John.

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