⌁ 𝓪 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 ⌁

586 31 18

And we're back to BSD pi-


Oh hell no a fucking spider just almost crawled onto my hair I am not okay
~translation by my now calm singular braincell

It had been multiple hours since breakfast, the sun had now set and the moon engulfed the outside world in a gentle light.

Arlo plopped down next to John on the couch. He leaned over to see what John was doing. John looked over at Arlo, shifting to a more comfortable position.

"Hey love" John put his phone down to look at Arlo. "Would you want to go on a date with me... today?" Arlo asked him with a soft smile.

"A date," John repeated, sitting up more to get a better view of Arlo's face, "right now?. Arlo nodded. "of course!" John exclaimed happily.

"Alright, should we stop by your dorm for clothes?" Arlo questioned.

"Nah, I brought a pair of clothes that should work." John smiled, proud that he had somewhat thought ahead.

"Alright, go get dressed." Arlo kisses John's jaw before John nodded and jumped off the couch.

After a good five or six minutes, John emerged from the room wearing a puffy black jacket, ripped skinny jeans, black converse, and a necklace.

"Let's go!" John smiled, holding his hand out to the side slightly as a signal for Arlo to hold it. Arlo returned the smile, pulled himself off the couch, and grabbed the shorter male's hand.


Arlo said he had a small surprise as he gave John a blindfold. John hesitantly covered his eyes and waited for Arlo to come around and lead him to their destination.

"Where are we going?" John questioned.

"You'll see." Arlo replied, pulling John closer to him. John shrugged.

About two minutes later Arlo stopped and told John he could take off the blindfold which he did.

John's eyes widened.

Arlo had led him to a small river by the side of a forest. The moon reflected on the river's calm surface, gentle waves pushing by still rocks, and a few birds here and there danced under the moonlight.

John smiled and walked closer to the river, pulling his sleeves up, sticking his hand in, and letting the calm waves hit against his scarred skin.

Arlo sat down on the soft grass, his tender gaze never leaving John. A soft smile present on his face.

"This place is beautiful Arlo" John said in awe, standing up and pulling his sleeves back down before walking over to join Arlo on the grass. "It reminds of Bostin" John mumbled as he cuddled against Arlo's chest.

"Really?" Arlo turned to him. John nodded in respond. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Please tell me all about New Bostin. Every time you cried, smiled, fell down, everything."

John stared at him for a few minutes before going on a calculated rant, being sure to leave out everything that Arlo could tie to self-harm, abuse, suicide, or anything like that.

Arlo nodded, listening, and analyzing every word, being sure to save each piece of information.

"I think we should start heading home." John yawned.

"A few more minutes." Arlo replied softly. John chuckled but stayed in his spot, they took in the scenery one last time before standing up and walking back to car. John made sure to remember every step they took in case he ever wanted to come back.

They arrived back home twenty-five minutes later and changed before crawling into bed beside each other.

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