Lmao sorry y'all

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Im too lazy and unmotivated to write the sequel so this is a quick summary of what I planned-


John and Eliza fly back to Wellston

John sees Arlo by the river

Arlo has a new lover(Blyke)

John goes to the bar to take his mind off of everything(he hookups with some random guy)

John goes to an interview and gets the job

Arlo forces John to hang out with him and Blyke

About a month or so after he's forced to hang out with them, John is confused about his feelings for Blyke

Sera, Remi, and Elaine finally run into John at work and go out for lunch

John learns that Remi and Sera started dating while he was 'dead'

Sera, Remi, and Elaine talk to John about what he's feeling towards Blyke

Sera and Eliza try to convince John to confess

Someone goes into John's work full of ability amplifiers

Person takes an interest in John

Arlo and Blyke show up to arrest the guy

John decides to tell them about how he feels the next day

John confesses, the feelings are mutual between all three of them.


Anyway back to crying from the stress my parents love to put on me.

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