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Lowkey glad that its been an hour and no one has read this cause I forgot to spell check QwQ
It had been another day. John spent the rest of the day home sick, alone, to his thoughts. He was going to breakdown soon. When? Today, yeah it's today. It's literally been delayed three parts.


John pulled himself out of bed. His limbs felt heavier than usual. The raven-haired male went to the bathroom and took his morning shower before getting out and putting his clothes on.

John lingered for a minute as he caught his reflection in the mirror. He clenched his fists as he thought back to the last time he looked in a mirror. Tears started forming in his eyes so he decided to move on before he convinced himself to stay home again.

The teen walked out of his dorm, his head low.

"Who can I turn to... Eliza is busy setting something up... I shouldn't bother Sera or the others... well..." he mumbled as he walked.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

John stopped in his tracks as he remembered Arlo's words.

"You said Sera and the others, what about you? Do you want me to talk to you?"


"I know you're gonna bring up the fact that he betrayed you and my response is that if Arlo apologized and the others didn't betray you then you should give them a chance."

His body started moving on its own, where he didn't know but he could only assume it was dragging him to Arlo. He didn't fight back.

John walked through the hallway. He was in fact heading to Arlo who was currently talking with Isen, Elaine, and the other royals. People stared at him with fear as he approached the group.

He had forgotten that they didn't know of his friendship with everyone there but Arlo but that fact wasn't important to him at the moment.

"Oh, hey J-" Remi was cut off by John weaving between her and Sera and walking to Arlo.

John stood there for a second before he pulled Arlo into a hug. Those around, including Arlo, were shocked by the king's actions.

Arlo hesitantly hugged back. He seemed to get the hint once his hands reached John's back as he pulled John closer and rocked back and forth, rubbing his hand in a circular motion on John's back.

John started sobbing.

Everyone around quieted down as they realized John was crying, leaving the two to stand in silence.

Arlo soon realized that the shorter male had fallen asleep in his comforting grasp.

"I'm going to take him back to the dorms." Arlo informed the group quietly as not to disturb the raven-haired male more than he already had to in order to carry him.

The blond hummed a random melody as he walked through the halls. He glared at everyone around him as if to say - 'if you wake him I'll skin you'

Once Arlo had made it to John and Blyke's dorm he realized he didn't have a key and carefully checked John's pockets and bag. He soon found it, opened the door, and carried John into his room.

He gently placed John on the bed and took things he figured John would find uncomfortable. (shoes, jacket, vest, tie.)

Arlo decided to stay with John until he woke up so he sat down and started playing on his phone.

~30 minutes later~

John shifted in bed for what sounded like the fiftieth time but unlike the others where he just adjusted his position he practically smacked Arlo in the face.

"A-Arlo... I'm cold..." John mumble. Arlo looked behind him and saw John's eyes barely open.

"What can I do to help?" He questioned turning around.

John stretches his arms out in a sort of hugging motion. Arlo sighed, took off his shoes, jacket, and tie before carefully laying in bed next to the other.

'This is so stupid..." Arlo thought to himself.

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