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'"Cause only never comes
When never's all you know"
Never Know - Why Don't We

I watch her car drive away before entering the house again. It sure was fun having here come over today and get to know the guys. As Daniel had once said before; band mates before babes. Not that my friends decide who I can and can't date, but it'd be really nice if they get along with whoever I choose to be with.

So does this mean you want to be with Lara?

What? No. It's too soon to tell...but she is great...and kind...and smart...and she's gorgeous...

Brain. You need to shut the hell up.

I walk back inside after saying goodbye to Lara and see Jonah, Jack, Zach, and Daniel all looking at me from the living room, just like how they did Friday night. "Where'd she go?" Zach asks first, looking at the front door. Well that's a relief, at least I know my friends like her.

"She had to go to dinner with her sister. It's not like I could say no to that." I say. They all nod their heads, not asking any more questions. They were a little bummed that she left without saying goodbye, but I told them next time...At least I hope there'll be a next time.

"So that's Lara..." Zach says, starting the conversation. I sit on the couch next to Daniel, back to my old spot. "Yep...What do you guys think of her?" Here it comes. The judging panel is about to speak. "I think she's great." Daniel says first. All right, looks like we're off to a good start here.

"She seems really nice." Jonah says after. Alright 2 for 2 so far...this might go better than I thought. Maybe they won't say anything about the fact that I gave our address to a complete stranger... I still can't believe I did that not gonna lie. Actually..now that I think about it...Why aren't they asking me about it?

"I think she's pretty cool." Jack says, but his face has a different expression, as if he has something more to say but won't. Jack's not the type to hide much from us. He's pretty outspoken for the most part unless it's something really important and threatening to our "image". As stupid as it sounds, our "image" is really important. However, not exactly for us, more so our management and label. If something were to happen to any of us in our personal lives, dramatic or not, management will do everything in their power to not make it a big deal depending how crazy it could be. It sucks, but it's what we signed up for I guess...

"Zach, what about you?" I ask, seeing that he hasn't said much since I came back inside. Zach's like my younger brother. Or more like other younger brother. He's accomplished so much being the youngest in the group, touring around and being so far from home at such a young age. I feel like it's my responsibility to look after him. "Other than the fact she ruined paint ball, she's cool." he jokes. For a second there I thought he really didn't like her. "I think you guys will look great together."

"Hey thanks man, that means a lot." I say, doing our iconic handshake with him. "So, when are you gonna ask her out?" he asks, making all eyes on me. Well it's not like a thought about it yet...

That's a lie. You have, countless times.

Okay so maybe I have thought about it. But I don't wanna rush anything or imply anything yet. Besides the fact that I know her name, face, and availability doesn't mean that we're friends. I know we said we're friends, but not close or anything. We're acquaintances for all I know. But I hope that maybe we can change that soon...

"Um well I invited her to Eben's party tomorrow." Daniel gives me a supportive pat on the back.

"Hey that's great! What'd she say?" he asks. Jonah, Jack, and Zach also look at me, waiting for an answer.

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