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"It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers"
22 - Taylor Swift

"So have you decided if you're gonna go to Corbyn's party?" Mia asks, her face now transitioned to my laptop screen. We're still on facetime, and by now, I've gotten her to listen to almost all of Why Don't We's songs, find out her lane, and know all the basics about all the boys. I'm sure the boys would be very proud of me once they learn that they have a new Limelight in their hands.

"I don't know...probably not." she looks at me with her jaw dropped. "Lara! What's wrong with you?" she asks. I can hear the disappointment in her voice, but it's not like that'll change my mind. "Monday morning is my first exam, you know I can't or else-"

"Wait." she interrupts me after eating a spoonful of cereal. Typical Mia. Although, it's not like I can't say I'm not the same way. "You're telling me, you're ditching Corbyn Besson's friend's welcoming party, for studying? Lar, you've been studying for eternities, it's just one night."

"Yeah but exams are just one week. One week and I'm done with college for good and I can do whatever I want. I'm sure Corbyn will understand..." I pick up my phone, going to his contact name.

"Fine..." she says grumpily. It doesn't surprise me that she's more excited about this party that I am. "Make sure to put him on speaker though, I wanna hear too." she says with a scheming smile.

"Okay I will." I laugh, pressing on his name. We wait for him to pick up, listening to the phone ring a couple times before he does. "Hey." he says loud and clear. Mia begins to hold a pillow close to her in case she has to scream.

"Hey, did I call at a bad time?" I ask since I hear many voices in the background, probably the guys. I don't know if I heard him well, but something about pizza. I try not to laugh at Mia as she listens carefully as I talk on the phone. I don't think I've ever seen her this quiet or focused. Then all of a sudden, yelling comes from the phone.

"HI LARA!" comes loudly from the other end of the line. I laugh, knowing full well who it is. "Were those the boys?" I ask. "Yeah, they got a little excited." Corbyn giggles. I look to see Mia's jaw dropped. She reaches for her nightstand, holding up a sketch book and marker. "The boys" as in Why Don't We? is written big in black marker across the paper. I nod my head, trying not to laugh as I see her face go completely starstruck. She's been a fan for what? 2? 3 hours? I wonder how long time, hardcore Limelights would react...

"Put me on speaker." I say. "Hi Daniel. Hi Jonah. Hi Zach. Hi Jack." Mia's jaw stays dropped, as if she can't believe her eyes. Now that I think about it...I also kinda can't believe I'm doing this. Calling Why Don't We? That's totally normal...

"She remembers us!" someone says. I definitely know who that could be. Zach? Mia writes on her sketchbook. I smile big, proud of her as I give her a thumbs up. "Of course she does." I hear Jack say. It's funny how I can picture all of this happening so well. Jonah??? I see on Mia's sketchbook. I look at her, shaking my head. A disappointed look goes on her face as she tries to figure out who it is. I must say, it's very entertaining to see her try. Tell him about the party! she writes, but I shake my head again and mouth "Not yet." She rolls her eyes at me as she continues to listen to the call.

"So why'd you call?" he asks. I can't help but smile as I hear his voice. However, it's hard to take anything serious when I got Mia making the stupidest faces on my screen.
"Well you said call you when I got home, aaannnddd I'm home so-"

"Right right." he laughs. You guys are cute 🥺 no fair Mia writes. I give her a look, trying not to blush. We talk a little some more before I have to give him the bad news. I guess Mia couldn't hear much of the conversation since she had zero reactions for the past 5 minutes. "No...I have an answer for your party." I say and immediately she looks up, back with her thinking/focusing face.

"And?" I hear the hope in his voice. Now I feel bad..."I can't." BOOOO LARA 😡 JUST GO TO THE PARTY!!! I look at Mia and mouth "Seriously?" She nods her head aggressively, pointing to the last 4 words over and over again. "I'm sorry Corb, I have exams and the day after and you know how it is..." idiot smh Mia writes in her sketchbook, ripping papers out as she goes. As crazy as she is, I do have to commend her for the dedication right now.

"Oh it's no problem...I should've saw that coming, I guess I wasn't thinking when I asked-"

"No it's okay! It was a nice gesture. Maybe next time?" yes yes yes! good Lara, good girl I look at Mia, trying not to laugh out of embarrassment. "So I'm a dog now?" I mouth. She nods again, making a heart with her hands and blowing kisses. At least she's good at reading lips. Then out of nowhere, Corbyn speaks. I almost forgot I was on the phone.

"Hey uh..I was wondering...do you need any help studying?" My face immediately goes red. I can feel it get warmer and warmer. Although, nothing beats Mia, who's screaming like crazy. I wouldn't be surprise if Corbyn heard her...hopefully he doesn't question it.

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd help me study were you?" I say with that same stupid smile on my face. ugh i'm already 3rd wheeling and y'all aren't even dating yet smh I look at Mia, not sure how to respond to that. As if she read my mind, she writes something else. it's fine Lar, at least y'all are cute I just laugh as I read what's written, then focus on the call again.

"No, no I wasn't." he giggles as he teases me. I look at Mia who's now completely fangirling, heart eyes and all. I wonder how boring this call would be without her. "Come over at lunch?" I ask. Even though I don't show it, I really hope he comes. Mia looks at me proudly as she writes something down on her sketchbook. that's my best friend everyone. yes, the one with game. she learned it from me 😉 I look at her and mouth "love ya too" and she replies with her heart hands again.

"It's a date." he says smoothly. This time, I can't help but laugh a little. Although, I did have to mute Mia who was losing her crap and screaming. Sadly, her pillow wasn't enough to hide the noise. "Sure whatever." I say, trying to play it cool, but I can feel my face burning. "Goodnight Corbyn." 

"Goodnight to you too Ms. Carpenter." he says before hanging up. A smile remains on my face as my cheeks burn. I see Mia talking rapidly but I forgot to unmute her...my bad.

"....and then you guys are gonna get married and have kids and i'm gonna be the best aunt ever and-" she goes on quickly. I definitely missed some stuff here.

"Wait what?" I look at her confused, but still smiling from before. "You and Corbyn." she says as if what she just said was completely normal. "I- I'm not even gonna ask anymore." We both laugh, neither of our brains are functioning well right now. It's getting late anyway, it's almost midnight. "Alright. Mia is tired. I'm going to SleepyTown now." Mia says, tucking herself into bed. I laugh seeing her hoodie all tied up, making her head like an egg. Okay...maybe not an egg, that was harsh. But I'm her best friend, it's my job to tease her like this. "Goodnight Mia, love ya." I tell her, seeing her eyes already half closed. I don't get it, 10 minutes ago she was screaming like crazy. Now, she's basically asleep.

"Night Lar, love ya too." she says tiredly. I hang up on her sleeping face, putting my laptop back on my desk. And with that, I was sound asleep...dreaming of tomorrow.

. . .

𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑴𝑶𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑺𝑬, cmb ✓Where stories live. Discover now