Chapter 5: The floor of general works

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Nathan's POV

I just stood there glaring at Angela, meanwhile Lily was hiding behind my leg.

Angela: Well, I must say this is quite the reunion.

Roland: Whoa whoa hold on, you two actually know each other?

Nathan: Unfortunately we do, me and Angela have quite a...'history' together.

Angela: That's putting it lightly.

Never in my entire life did I imagine that I would see Angela of all people again...with the fierce glares that we were giving each other Roland and Lily were both clearly unnerved by it.

Lily clung onto my leg while watching Angela carefully to see if she would try anything, and despite the tension in the room Angela remained in her seat.

Lily: Daddy, who is she?

Angela stared at Lily curiously.

Angela: Daddy?

She looked at me with a look of confusion, I simply readjusted my posture while still keeping Lily close before saying.

Nathan: She's my daughter.

Angela: Your...daughter? (She said in disbelief)

Nathan: Yeah, is that really so hard to believe?

Angela: A she bares a striking resemblance to the Princess of hatred-

Nathan: First of all her name is Sarah, and second that's because Lily is also her daughter.

Angela: I...I you actually had a child with that...'thing'

Lily: Don't talk about mommy like tha-

Angela shot a quick glance at Lily which was enough to make her let out a small eep and go back to hiding behind me.

Nathan: I don't care what your opinion is, nor do I care about you in I take it your the one responsible for all the people who die here turning into books?

Angela: Well...yes and no, Yes I do invite people here where they do end up perishing and adding to the libraries ever growing collection...but no because this power is not mine but the libraries, I simply borrow it.

Nathan: I see...that doesn't make you any less guilty Angela.

Angela: Hmph, the fact of whether I'm guilty or  not should be of no concern to you Mr Richardson, besides last I checked people in the city murder each other all the time so what's the big deal with this?

Nathan: Don't try to justify- (I stopped myself upon realizing how pointless all of this bickering was)

I straightened myself before saying.

Nathan: Look Angela I don't like seeing you as much as you don't wanna see me, so if you just go ahead and let me and my daughter leave that would make things a whole lot simpler.

Angela: As much as I would like to send you as far away from here as possible and never have to see you or that...' thing' (She gestures to Lily which made her upset) again...I, unfortunately, cannot.

I furrowed my eyebrow a bit before asking.

Nathan: What's that supposed to mean?

Angela: Ever since the 'incident' twelve years ago with you causing me to get in trouble, I've been stuck in this accursed library...along with everyone in here.


Roland: She's stuck here, and so are we.

I just stood there and clenched my fist, slowly I began to march right up to Angela who began to slowly lean away from me in her chair.

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