Chapter 13: The floor of Literature

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Nathan's POV

Nathan: Are you sure Yesod? Because these abnormalities can be quite a handfu-

Yesod: For the last time I do not need your help, maybe with some of the receptions but I can handle these abnormalities on my own.

Yeah a few moments ago Angela came up to me and Yesod and said that she had another one of the abnormality books ready, I got up and was about to go along with Yesod but apparently he wanted to do this without my involvement.

Nathan: Fine then, good luck Yesod.

I then turned away and was about to leave when Angela suddenly stepped in front of me.

Angela: By the way, after you and Yesod collected the books from Pierre and Jack a new floor opened up.

Nathan: And let me guess, you want me to go and meet them?

Angela: Correct.

Nathan: Alright (I said before continuing on my way to leave, only to stop halfway) Hey Angela.

Angela: Yes?

Nathan: How much time has passed since me and Lily got here?

Angela: I don't know, the library doesn't follow the normal passage of time, you could have been here for either five days, five years...or maybe even just five seconds, the invitations merely find their way to the right time and place so it's impossible to rely on them to figure out how long we've been here.

Nathan: I see...well then I should be on my way now (I said before leaving for real this time)

Hmm...I wonder who I'm going to be meeting with this time?

I began to make my way towards the revolving staircase that led to the other floors and as I did I happened to bump into Lily.

Nathan: Hey Sweetie, whatcha up to?

Lily: Daddy I'm bored.

Nathan: Sorry but theirs not much I can do about that, why don't you go and play with Ms Petra?

Lily: She's busy organizing books with Mr Roland, daddy can I come with you.

Nathan: Well...fine (I mean what's the worst that could happen? I'm just meeting with the next patron librarian)

And so Lily held my hand as we both descended down the large revolving staircase, we kept passing the multiple locked doors until finally stopping in front of one particular door.

Above the purple door there was a sort of platform area here in the staircase where two doors were side to side, there was a dark green door which was still locked and a brown door which was unlocked and had a plaque above it reading 'Floor of literature'

Lily: Literature?

Nathan: It's anything that has to do with words and books sweetie.

Lily: Oh ok.

We went into the room together, and I was greeted to the sight of the inside of the floor of literature and I was a little impressed by what I saw.

We went into the room together, and I was greeted to the sight of the inside of the floor of literature and I was a little impressed by what I saw

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