Chapter 2: Fixer Work

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Nathan's POV

Currently, I was drinking a cup of coffee before going out to work to help wake myself up since I had to get up early for work.

I didn't get to go to bed as early as I wanted since me and Sarah were...'busy' getting what Lily wished for last night.

What?...she's my wife, don't look at me like that, and besides it would be nice for Lily to have a little brother...or sister.

Anyway as I was drinking my coffee I looked to the table and saw Lily working on some homework she had to do over the weekend...yeah it's Saturday but I've still got to work to make up for not being at the office on Friday.

I looked down at myself and saw I was wearing Twilight with my sword slung over my shoulder, I was ready for anything.

Anyway, I had just finished my coffee and was putting the mug into the sink, I then began to head to the front door before looking back at my daughter who looked up at me.

Nathan: Alright, I'm off to work, Lily be a good girl while I'm gone alright?

Lily: OK, Bye daddy I love you.

Nathan: Love you too sweetheart.

As I was about to walk out the door I felt someone quickly place their hand on my shoulder.

Sarah: Nathan come on, can't you take the day off?

Nathan: Sarah I took the day off yesterday to be here for Lily's birthday, besides who knows what happened at the office while I was gone.

Sarah: I know I know it's just...we rarely get to spend time with each other anymore ever since you started running your own office and...(whispering) last night...we hadn't done anything like that in a long time.

Nathan: Sarah I don't like it any more than you do but I have to do this so I can pay the bills and we can take care of Lily.

Sarah: But...being a fixer is a dangerous job and...what if something happens to you? How do you think Lily would feel if-

Nathan: Sarah (I said shutting her up) I know it's dangerous work but it's what pays the bills and know as well as I do that with Twilight here (I said gesturing to my gear) I'm more than a match for any distortion, abnormality, Rouge fixer or syndicate out there.

Sarah: Really...any of them? (She gave me a quizzical look)

Nathan: Sarah.....don't...bring that up (I said with a serious tone)

Sarah: Sorry sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it...I mean...just be careful alright? what I'm trying to say is...I mean it was rough for me growing up without a dad...I don't want the same to happen to Lily.

Nathan: I'll be fine dear, Now I gotta get to work I'll see you later (I said before giving Sarah a kiss and then leaving)

Yeah...I was capable of taking on any distortion...except 'that' one...I want to forget about it always finds a way to creep back in my mind and mess with me.

Just goes to show that no matter how tough or strong-willed you think you are...there's always someone stronger than you out there somewhere...something I learned the hard way.

Short time skip

I had just finished parking my car in front of the Richardson office, it was a large square-shaped building that was two floors high and had a burgundy red color for its walls, in the front of the building was a sign that simply said Richardson office and beside it was my offices' emblem.

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