Chapter 1

36 3 1

Nari || Thursday, June 4

I stand frozen as I stare down at the motionless figure laying on the street 30-stories below us. I recognise her bleached hair and her favourite white dress, which are now stained a deep shade of red. I shudder in fright. I'm too shocked to say or do anything as tears well up in my eyes. No, that can't be her, I convince myself. That can't be Yuri. It's not her. She's not dead.

I watch as the police section off the area with caution tape and the paramedics come towards my sister. I turn my head away as my vision becomes blurry with tears, I cannot watch this anymore. I shut my eyes and wish that when I open them back up, I'll be in bed with Yuri sitting by my side and she would tell me with her sweet soothing voice that this was all just a bad dream. Please don't let this be real, I beg. That's not Yuri. The figure laying on the street with blood everywhere is not my sister. That's not someone I recognise.

I cannot breathe, I feel as if someone is strangling my neck and suffocating me. I feel so nauseous and so weak that my knees eventually buckle and I fall to the ground, I hug my knees to my chest as tears stream down my face. I cannot hold back the grief pouring out of me. I cannot face the reality that she's dead.

From the corner of my eye, I see my parents talking to a police officer, but I cannot focus on what they're saying as I choke on my sobs. My attention is only caught when I hear the word "suicide" and notice the police officer pass my dad a piece of paper. I frown and wipe away my tears with the sleeve of my shirt. No, that can't be right. Yuri would never take her own life. She would never leave me like that. My sister would never do this. I feel a presence beside me and turn to see my mum kneeling beside me and she wraps her arms tightly around me. I feel her heart thudding and her body shivering in my embrace as she sobs. She buries her face in the crook of my neck and I feel her cold tears against my warm skin. Dad eventually comes over to hug us and tears slowly fall from my eyes once again as we hold onto each other.

"It'll be okay, everything will be alright," I hear my dad whisper. "We will get through this together."

Yet it's not okay. How can everything be alright when she's gone. Nothing will ever be the same again. Cold tears sting my eyes at the thought of never seeing Yuri again, I miss her so much already. I miss her gentle touch, her angelic smile and her soft laugh. I miss the way her hair smells of lemons and lavender. She wasn't just my sister. She was so much more than that. She was my role model. She was my best friend. She was everything to me. When we were kids, she would play with me if nobody else would. She cared for me whenever I got ill or injured, and she would comfort me when I was feeling down or stressed. She would drop all her plans to spend time with me. She was always so happy and optimistic, she would never let anything get to her. I never would have thought that she would be the type to take her own life. No one would have believed that. She was too wonderful and lovely to do something like that. She was too perfect. She was perfect in everybody's eyes, including mine. Yet maybe, she isn't that flawless after all.


I creak open the door to Yuri's room and I'm instantly hit with misery. Tears threaten to roll down my cheeks but I do my best to hold them back. I lay down on her bed and I'm immediately enveloped in her fragrance, which makes it feel as if she's embracing me. I stare up at the ceiling that's covered in glow in the dark star stickers. I small smile appears on my face as I look around her room and see all her polaroid pictures adorning the walls. I see myself in many of the photos, as well as our parents, her boyfriend and her few friends. She was so kind and outgoing, I could never understand why she had so little friends.

I take out the piece of paper that the police officer gave my dad from my pocket. I unfold it and reread the note over and over again. The more I read it, the more upset I feel.

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