Chapter 29

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Nari || Wednesday, June 24 (present)

It wasn't a suicide. Yuri didn't commit suicide. She didn't take her own life. Those are the only thoughts that go through my mind. I don't know how to accept that fact.

Silence lingers in the air as we all digest the things Jennie tells us. I'm still in shock. Never would I have imagined things to have gone the way they did. I feel like all the air has been taken out of my lungs as tears sting in my eyes. I don't bother to wipe away the tears that stream down my face because I know there's no point; they are an endless waterfall.

She was assaulted and her death was just an accident. My sweet, kindhearted sister was assaulted. Just like I was. Why are there such disgusting men in this world?! It feels like someone aggressively punched me in my gut, as sorrow and anger boils inside of me. All of us are angry. I notice the guilty tears in Jennie's eyes as she speaks and the glint of rage in Jungkook's.

A mix of emotions attacks me like a stab to my heart. My whole body feels so heavy. I clench my hands into fists as my breathing quickens. I just want everything to go back to normal. I miss her so much. All I want is to be in the comfort of my home with Yuri and our parents. All of us happy. I wish all of this was just an extensive nightmare that I will soon wake up from. Yet, this is reality. All of those things happened. The feelings are all too real for this to all just be a bad dream.

A part of me resents myself for being so clueless and unaware about the delivery service that Yuri did. If only we knew about it, then maybe she could've been saved. My parents would have never allowed her to work at a nightclub, especially if that meant she had to go out alone late at night.

Yet, another part of me forgives myself for not knowing. It wasn't my fault. I may be upset now, but the pain will eventually go away; I cannot stay like this forever. Everything that happened is all in the past now, I cannot keep tormenting myself for my sister's unfortunate death. I cannot change the past, all I can do now is bring her justice. Although things don't seem so favourable for us right now, we have to remain hopeful.


Nobody says or does anything for what feels like many hours as we sit in silence. All that can be heard are tears being shed and distressed yelling, as well as punches to the walls caused by Jungkook. It takes a long time for the heavy atmosphere to slowly be lifted, and for all of us to calm down. Even though the sadness still lingers, at least the mood doesn't feel as tense as it did earlier.

Jungkook moves closer towards me, so I rest my head on his shoulder. Neither of us saying anything. He takes my hands in his and presses his head against mine. These small actions instantly make me feel so much better. I feel so comforted and safe beside him. With him with me, I feel so much less alone; we're going to get through this together. Even though Jimin and Lisa are still unconscious, I still have a feeling that things will turn around. Everything will be okay. I'm going to try my best to stay positive.

There are still so many things Jennie left out and I have so many questions to ask her, but there's still plenty of time. It's not like we can do much being stuck in this basement. All we can do is wait and fill the time by getting Jennie to talk.

"But how about the note?" Jungkook suddenly asks. "There was a note left for us."

I frown. I almost forgot about the note. If Yuri didn't commit suicide then why was there a note? I'm sure I recognise my sister's handwriting, so she was the one who wrote it, but it doesn't make sense for it to be at the building if she didn't kill herself.

"Well, Jay wanted Yuri's death to look like a suicide, so he could be safe from accusations," Jennie begins to explain. "So we placed that note at the building so it seemed as though Yuri took her own life. She wrote that note a while ago when she was feeling really down and thinking of committing suicide. She drunkenly came to my home and I found that note, so I kept it."

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