Chapter 24

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Jungkook || Wednesday, June 24

The calmness I felt yesterday vanishes entirely when I find my heart beating rapidly and my hands are getting clammier the closer we reach our destination. I glance at Nari who's sitting beside me at the backseat of Jimin's car, she seems just as apprehensive as I am; she fiddles with the bracelet on her wrist and bounces her leg.

I'm eager to meet the client and enthusiastic to find out if he knows anything related to Yuri's suicide. The last person she met before her death was him, as it states in the documents we collected that Yuri delivered weapons to him hours before the police found her lifeless, so he must know something. I just need to hope that the client is willing to help us, though I wonder if he has anything to do with her death...

Lisa who's in the passenger seat suddenly chuckles to lighten the intense mood after a few minutes of silence in the car, "Why are you all so quiet? There's nothing to be so anxious about. Remember that we're going to be with you two, so whatever happens, we'll be there to rescue you guys. You just have to trust us."

Even after she says that, I still feel a weight in my chest when I consider the possibility that the client is coldblooded just like the gang leader, or maybe even more than he is? I cannot stop thinking of the dangers that may occur. He must have many weapons in his home that he can use to attack us. I hope that doesn't become a reality.

What if he really does have something to do with Yuri's suicide? He was the last person to see her, so it is rational to think that something happened between them that caused her to take her life.

I should stop thinking about all of these 'what if's', yet I can't help but worry. I cannot stop thinking about the different scenarios of danger that we might go through. I'm afraid of what we're going to discover, even though I'm dying to find out. I just want the car ride to go by quickly, before my heart leaps out of my chest and my mind goes wild with thoughts. I just want to get over this.

Lisa sighs when she doesn't hear a response from either of us, so she nudges Jimin and says, "Maybe turning on some music will get your minds off things."

Jimin agrees and allows Lisa to connect her phone to the speakers, and within seconds, music instantly blasts through the speakers. She bobs her head to the beat whilst singing, which causes a smile to appear on my face for the first time this entire car ride. The atmosphere immediately perks up, and Jimin joins in the fun as he sings along to the pop song. Their outburst of exhilaration and excitement makes us laugh and my mind is rid of any distressing thoughts.

Nari grabs my hand and we grin at each other. I squeeze her hand and she squeezes mine back tightly. Our hands remain intertwined the rest of the car ride, as I focus on the upbeat music and stare outside the window to observe our surroundings. Nari's comforting clasp, as well as Jimin and Lisa's energy, oddly soothes my nerves.


After a couple of minutes of entertainment in the car that successfully eases my anxiety, we eventually arrive at the destination. The car is parked so it's slightly camouflaged by a few trees. We all get out of the car to stretch our limbs and breathe in some fresh air after half-an-hour of being cooped up in the small car.

"That should be the client's place," Jimin says as he points to a grey building not far from us.

The building doesn't look much different from the other buildings in the area; they all look like concrete blocks scattered over the vast field. This place seems so serene and empty, not a single person can be seen outside. There are only sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling. The breeze is cool as it gently brushes my warm skin, as the sun shines above us.

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