Chapter 12

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Nari || Saturday, June 13

I'm sitting opposite Jungkook at Taehyung's cafe as I sip onto a cup of latte and read the note Jennie left for Jungkook last night. I didn't expect to see him so soon after yesterday. He texted me this morning to tell me that he got drunk last night. He told me that Jennie helped him back home and she left him a note.

11am on Monday, meet me at the abandoned building. You know where. I'll tell both you and Nari everything then.

- Jennie

"Abandoned building?" I ask Jungkook in confusion. "Where is that?"

I wonder what building Jennie is talking about, and why would she want to meet at an abandoned building out of all the places we could meet at. I frown as I stare at the note. Why does Jennie seem so secretive?

"There's a building quite near my apartment that has been abandoned for many years," Jungkook tells me. "Yuri and I used to hang out there when we were younger. I'm not sure how Jennie knows about it though, I guess Yuri told her."

I nod my head, "Oh I see."

I don't know what else to say as I watch Jungkook fold the note and put it back into his pocket. I want to behave normally and be comfortable with him, but after yesterday, I suddenly don't know how to act around him. I nervously pick up my cup of coffee and take a slow sip of the warm liquid.

I gently put the empty cup back down and rest my chin on my hand as I look out the fogged-up window and sigh as I observe the drizzling rain drumming lightly against the glass. The sound of the rain against the window mixed with the chill lo-fi music flowing from the speakers and the soft chattering of people in the cafe calms me. I lean against the wooden back of the chair and watch people scurrying outside with jackets over their heads as they run to shelter, as well as several kids jumping in puddles and people walking leisurely under umbrellas.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook suddenly asks.

"Nothing," I reply without turning my face to look at him. "Just observing."

Jungkook turns to face the window as well. Now, both of us are quietly gazing outside. Although we're looking out the same window, I don't know what Jungkook is thinking about or looking at, and neither does he know what's on my mind as I stare out the window. I only see what my eyes see; I will never know what he sees or what others see.

I look away from the window and turn my gaze to Jungkook. A small smile makes it's way on my lips as I admire the side profile of the man in front of me. I let myself get lost in his brown eyes, the same way he is lost in the scenery outside. He doesn't know that I'm looking at him as his eyes are fixed on the window. My whole body goes soft and I feel my heart melt when my eyes land on his soft rosy lips. It takes all of my willpower to not reach out to glide my fingers on his gentle lips or to caress his flawless face. I hope that one day I can feel those lips on mine again. I'll wait for him for as long as he needs; even if it takes ten days, ten months or tens years, I'll still wait for him.

The rain starts to diminish as the pitter-pattering against the window softens and people begin to disperse from the cafe. I turn my face back to the window when Jungkook lifts his finger to press against the cool glass. He draws a smiley face on the fogged up glass with his finger, but it slowly fades away as the fog covers it. Even when the rain has completely stopped, we are still staring out the window and sitting comfortably in the warmth of the cafe. I don't know how long we have been here for, but the soft grumble of my stomach tells me that it's about lunchtime.

"Hungry?" Jungkook asks me and he finally looks away from the window.

I nod and he lifts his arm up to attract a waiter or waitress to come over, but the boss of the cafe beats him to it as he comes over to our table with two plates of sandwiches. He places one plate in front of me and the other in front of Jungkook before sliding into an empty seat beside us.

The surprise on our faces must be the reason why Taehyung is chuckling as he gestures to our sandwiches and says, "It's on the house."

"Thank you," Jungkook and I say in chorus.

We awkwardly look at each other and gulp; neither of us touching the sandwich on our plates.

Taehyung laughs again and says, "Dig in. Or I could get you two something else if sandwiches aren't your thing?"

"No, no. I like sandwiches," I say.

I pick up my sandwich and take a big bite of it; Jungkook does the same and we quietly munch on the delicious bacon and avocado sandwich. My tastebuds and stomach instantly becoming pleased by the food. Taehyung stands up to let us eat in peace and takes our empty coffee cups with him. He comes back to our table with two glasses of lemonade and takes away our empty plates when we're finished with our lunch.

Jungkook and I continue to sit peacefully without exchanging any conversation as we enjoy our lemonades with each other's company. I let myself get lost in the relaxing music and the shuffling footsteps of people moving around the cafe once in a while. Jungkook does the same as he leans back and shuts his eyes. Even though we've been here the entire morning already, I guess either of us wants to leave yet.

The fog has completely vanished from the windows after some time and sunlight now seeps through the glass. The sky has turned into a beautiful blue colour as the dark clouds gradually move away. I listen to the bell by the door ding whenever someone enters or leaves the cafe, but those who enter start to lessen as time passes and the cafe slowly becomes more and more empty and peaceful.

Taehyung comes over to us again and slides into the seat beside us, "You two have been silent the whole time you've been here. You two have been sitting like this for the past three hours already, is everything okay? Did you manage to find Jennie?"

I shake my head and Jungkook says, "She wasn't at the nightclub, but I managed to get in contact with her and she wants to meet up."

"Tell me if you find out what happened to Yuri," Taehyung says with a gentle smile. "She was one of my employees after all and I do care about her."

"Of course," I say with a kind smile. "By the way, do you know the boss of the nightclub?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "No, all I know is that his nickname is Suga and I heard from people that he does illegal things. I'm not sure exactly what he does, but the fact that the nightclub isn't shut down and that he isn't in prison yet means the police don't have enough evidence to arrest him."

"The bartender at Dynamite told us that he's a gang leader and he made my sister and Jennie do some sort of delivery service," I tell him. "The bartender didn't explain what they did exactly, but she told us that the boss is cruel and ruthless."

"I don't understand why your sister would work at such a place," Taehyung says with a sigh. "She had such a pure heart, I don't understand why she would work for a gang leader."

"I don't understand either," I mutter.

"Neither do I," Jungkook says as he looks down at the table.

The three of us sigh as we sit by the table, all of us wanting to find out what happened to Yuri and not believing that my sister would work for someone so dangerous.

Taehyung eventually has to get back to work, so Jungkook and I decide to leave the cafe. Before we make our way back to our respective homes, we settle on the plan to meet Jennie at the abandoned building on Monday morning, but since I don't know where it is, I would meet Jungkook at his apartment and we would walk to the building together.

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