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Nari || Friday, June 4 (a year later)

It's been a year since Yuri's passing. Standing in front of her gravestone brings back memories of the traumatic events that happened last summer. It felt so surreal, like it all came straight out of a movie. It would be an intense story to tell in the future. Even though the things that happened are imprinted in my memory, I'm not afraid nor do I force myself to forget, I just move on from it all. It will always be a significant part of my life. Something I probably won't experience again, and I really hope I don't.

My parents came back home as soon as they knew about what happened. It was a time filled with tears and comforting hugs. It wasn't until then that I realised how much I've missed them. They admitted that I was right about my sister's death and were so proud of the extent Jungkook and I took to prove that.

It took a couple of weeks for everything surrounding my sister's death to be sorted out and Jay was finally arrested. Ryan and Jennie were free from accusations as Jay was the one who conspired everything and threatened them. It was over for Suga's gang and every client that he had were arrested for purchasing illegal arms. Jennie went back to work at Taehyung's cafe and she's planning to open her own in a couple of months, whilst I don't know what happened to Ryan once he was released from the hospital.

The nightclub was reconstructed and it was now run by Yeji without performing any illegal activities. Lisa and Jimin continued to work as bartenders there. From time to time, Jungkook and I would visit and it's always fun to spend time with them. I'm glad our little friend group was formed even after everything that happened had ended.

I spent the rest of that summer arranging my sister's funeral with my parents. Continuing with regular life was easier than I expected, going back to college allowed me to focus on my studies and keep me busy. My parents and I have been spending more time together and I've learned to appreciate every moment I have with them.

Also, Jungkook and I have made our relationship official. Being with him feels like absolute bliss, and being able to call him my boyfriend makes me feel so warm and happy. We've been through so much together and we've relied on each other countless times. We've put in so much trust for each other, it feels so effortless now. I love him. That simple phrase holds so much meaning one could not describe. I am there for him and he is there for me, we never grow tired of consoling one another and showing how much we care about each other. Loving him is a miracle. It is pure euphoria, and I am on cloud nine.

With Jungkook's hand in mine and my head resting on his shoulder, we recall every little detail from the experience we went through as we stand in front of the slab of stone with my sister's name written on it. My parents are by my side as well. We all miss Yuri, but we've gradually moved on from the pain of losing her. She will always be loved and she will always be my sister who I will forever remember as the person who was there by my side through both the tough and joyful times in my life. I could never imagine a life without her, but now I have to grow up and face my life without her in it. She was the best sister I could ever ask for and she will always be in my heart.

She's gone and it is totally rational to miss her and be upset, but life moves on and there's no point to stay stuck in the past. I've learned to accept that fact and go on with living my life by allowing myself to be happy even in her absence because I know she wouldn't want us to wallow in sorrow.


Laying on my sister's bed in her room with Jungkook by my side feels like deja vu, except this time the heaviness and tension are gone. There is no weight crushing us like there was a year ago when we were here. All I feel is calmness as we silently stare up at the glow in the dark star stickers that cover the ceiling. Yuri's room is just as it was. Nothing has changed, it is the same room. Memories of her existence are everywhere and her scent still lingers. Being here makes me feel comforted like she is embracing me. Whenever I miss her to the point where I feel so gloomy, I stay in her room and sometimes I even spend the night here, and I feel so much better afterwards.

I lay my head on Jungkook's chest as we silently hold onto each other. We don't need to exchange words to understand how we're feeling, simple actions are enough. His arms are wrapped around my waist and mine around his torso. His presence brightens up the atmosphere and warms up my body as I snuggle into him. I am so lucky to be with him and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Jungkook tenderly kisses the side of my forehead before whispering the phrase he never forgets to tell me every time before bed, "Good night. I love you."

"Forever?" I murmur so quietly I doubt he heard me.

"Of course," he says and even without looking at him, I know that he's grinning. "You, Nari, are my everything."

There are so many words on the tip of my tongue that I can say to him, yet they will never truly convey everything that I mean because love is indescribable. Love is so strong of an emotion that requires so much more than mere words to be defined. Love is everywhere and there is so much to it.

"I will love you until my last breath and my heart stops beating," I tell him before we are lulled into sleep and tomorrow awaits us.

I cannot exactly pinpoint when, but I've come to realise that Jungkook has become someone extremely important to me. It is as if I cannot live without him by my side. He is my everything, and together we can overcome anything. Hand in hand, we shall go through any obstacles that stumble our way. I am ready to close the chapter of my past and set foot into the future with him.



🥲🎉It's the end of the book! 🎉🥲

Thank you so much to those who have taken the time to read my book and I hope you enjoyed the story! Also, I really appreciate the votes and please tell me what you think in the comment! 😊😊😊

- Elsie 💜

- Elsie 💜

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