Chapter 12

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Rebecca's POV

"I think I know what secret you're hiding...."The words repeats over and over again in my head. How did he know? I'm always careful when I go out looking for this bastard, I take my books to Ashley's house, I don't use my powers unless it's absolutely necessary... He can't from the one sheet, he found in the attic, to figure it out ... it's impossible... I started to panic. I can feel my heart pounding. My breath stops. "You and Ashley are having an affair, I'm right." All right, false alarm. But what the hell??? Does he think that Ashley and I are together? This is complete nonsense. But if I confirm what he says, he will stop questioning me. But this will lead to another lie, and there will be more after it. In the end, I will be entangled in a web of lies again, just as I was with Luke. In the end, I didn't want to talk with Luke because I was afraid I would say something I shouldn't... but if I tell him it's not true, he'll keep digging and questioning. What would I tell him? This can't be happening... Not again. I'm tired of all this pretense. I want to be myself for once in my life. But the truth is so absurd that he is unlikely to believe me.

"You're right." the words came out of my mouth more like a whisper. My gaze is fixed on the ground. I can't look him in the eye. " Coward, coward, coward."I was shouting at my mind.

„I understand." There was a sadness in his voice that pierced my heart like a dagger. "I wanted to make sure you were safe and well. Good night, Rebecca." I felt him get up from his seat next to me and go to the exit. I sat in a dead end, hoping that if he left, I would stop thinking about him. And I will build walls around myself again. My eyes filled with tears. Loneliness choked me with its harsh hands. The fear was stronger than me again. The fear of being rejected because of who I am. I can't do this anymore. I owe it to Luke... I owe it to myself. I heard him open the door ... I came out of the trance I was in and shouted:

"Wait." I ran to him and grabbed his hand. "Please don't leave like that... let me explain. " I looked into his eyes with hope.

He nodded his head. "After you." we both went back to the living room and sat down.

"There's never been anything but friendship between Ashley and me. Yes, when we were in College, we kissed a few times, but that's it. "

"Well, then, what are you hiding from me? I want to be a part of your life, but you won't let me in."

"Listen... this... it's not easy for me." I pushed my hand through my hair and took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. "All my life I've been hiding this secret. Ashley is the only one who knows. When I was with Luke, I tried to tell him a few times, but I never got up the courage. I thought I was protecting him, but I was wrong ... " there were tears in my eyes. The moment I found my fiance dead is back in front of my eyes. The pain didn't lessen. The guilt doesn't leave me. I should protect him, but I couldn't. "Now you're here... and I don't know what to do... I really care about you, and I don't want to lie to you... but I'm not ready to tell you the truth... Give me some time. This is the only thing I'm asking for... but I'll understand if you don't want to be with me. Whatever you decide, I respect your wish. But I want you to know that I don't want to lose you." all my strength is gone now and I broke down. I could no longer hold back my tears and I started to cry. The burden I carry on my shoulders is too great. All I want is to be normal, but that's not going to happen. I have to learn to accept myself for who I am... witch.

Colby's POV

I listened carefully to what Rebecca had to say. Even if I can't see her eyes, I can swear there are tears in them. There is so much sadness and pain in her voice. As if she'd been holding back her tears for too long. The only thing I can do is hug her and show her that she's not alone. I came closer to her her and wrap my arms around her, rubbing her back. She clung to me and hid her face in my neck.

"Hush, everything will be fine. But if you don't tell me what's going on, I won't be able to help you." She shook her head.

„Please... not now." What is she hiding from me? What can't she tell me? I'm confused. I think she feels the same way about me, but she's afraid of something. I'd like to know what it is. When I was lost in my thoughts, the crying stopped, and when I looked down, she fell asleep in my arms. I leaned back, trying not to wake her. I stroked her face and whispered to her "I wish you could trust me and tell me what is bothering you." I kissed her head and closed my eyes.

Nobody POV

It was middle of the night when flames started to surround the little girl. She wore her pajamas and hugged her Teddy bear. Tears streamed down her face and screamed:

"Mommy, please help me..." it was getting harder for her to breathe. "Mommy..." The more time passed, the more frightened she became.

Colby's POV

I woke up and heard Rebecca talking in her sleep. "Mommy, where are you?" I stroked her face and whispered softly:

"Rebecca, wake up.""

"Mommyyyyyy" she screamed and woke up.

"Relax, it was just a nightmare."

"Too real a nightmare ""

"Would you like a glass of water?" she nodded her head. I went to the kitchen and quickly found out where she kept the cups. I took one of them and filled it. I went back to the living room, and she took the cup with trembling hands and drank it.

„Thank you."

"No problem. Do you often have nightmares?"

„No." I sat down next to her and we stay at silence for a while.

"If I'm bothering you, I can leave?"

"No, don't." She looked at me. There is fear in her eyes. She didn't say anithing and left her glass on the table in front of us. I leaned back and I felt my eyes close. "Maybe we should move into the bedroom. This couch is not very comfortable."

"In the bedroom?" I asked surprised.

"Not that way. We'll just sleep."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes. I just didn't get the guest room ready. But if you want, I'll make it quick."

"If you're not uncomfortable, I don't mind it."

„Well." She stood up. "Follow me." we both went upstairs and entered the room. She turned on the light. The room was painted navy blue. On the nightstand was a small Teddy bear that looked quite old. The bed was queen size with white blankets. We were both lay down facing each other. "Thank you so much for your understanding and for staying with me tonight. I appreciate it." She caressed my face with her soft hand.

"You don't have to thank me." I smiled. "I ... I want to try." She looked at me puzzled. "This is between us..."

"Understand me Colby, my fiance died a month ago, I don't know if I'm ready for a new relationship."

" I understand, but in the meantime I will prove to you that you can trust me... for everything. I want you to be calm with me."

"I am calm. You're amazing person and I'm glad I know you. But now it's time to go to bed. Good night."

"Good night" She reached out and turned off the light.

Words: 1345

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. I need some time for myself. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please voted. You can tell me what do you think about Rebecca and Colby's relationship. Love you all.

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