❧ 06. ᴀɴᴄᴇꜱᴛᴏʀ'ꜱ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ

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[name] shifted in her sleep as the sunlight soon directly onto her face. She slowly cracked open her maroon-colored eyes in response and turned over, trying to get back to sleep once again, avoiding the blazing gaze of the sun that had managed to enter her room. Her maroon-colored eyes soon laid upon her haori that was being hung up, and she had on a frown then.

Given how her haori had a hole in it on the back, including her uniform.

The memory of two years ago flowed through her mind once again, and all she felt was a deep sense of hatred flowing through her body.

"I will have to admit that I did underestimate you like how I did to your ancestor. He too emanated absolutely no sense of drive, hatred, anger, fighting spiring, animosity, or even bloodlust despite being in mid-battle again me. It is impossible for me to detect him, just like you as well," Kibutsuji Muzan spoke out as he looked at [name] who was severely bleeding down the back and by her stomach as well.

"No! No!" [name] yelled out as she tried to attack Kibutsuji Muzan once again, only to have the demon lord dividing himself into flesh pieces to escape, whereas [name] managed to somehow reduce the amount.

"Gah. You coward! Coward!" [name] yelled out as she watched Kibutsuji Muzan running for his life after he had knocked [name] towards the ruins as the sun was rising. [name] then gritted her teeth then as she tried to stand up, only to have her body giving way due to how exhausted she was.

"Fucking coward. Piece of shit, running away!" [name] managed to spat out as she soon pulled herself out of the ruins then with much difficulty as her body was severely wounded, and her ankles were broken as well.

She gritted her teeth then as she ended up somewhere in the middle of the abandoned town that had nothing left. She got angry as she used her nichirin blade and stabbed it into the ground to pull herself up despite the tremendous pain running through her body.

"I'll kill you when I see you again, Kibutsuji Muzan. I'll haunt you down till the end of this earth," she muttered out as she looked towards the direction where most of Kibutsuji Muzan's flesh had escaped to.

"Calm down," and [name]'s maroon eyes widened as she heard a voice coming from within her head. She slowly sat up in her futon then as she looked around, trying to see if there was anybody in her room as well. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she felt a ghostly sensation against her neck and she quickly turned, only to have nothing standing behind her.

"Calm down, child," and [name] could only slowly press her hands against her ears then as she stood up, thinking that she had been sleeping too much she quickly walked past the mirror, only to stop when she noticed something was off.

She stared into her reflection of herself that was present in the full-length mirror that was available in her room. But she wasn't looking at her reflection anymore. She was looking at what was behind her. Her breath hitched then as she watched the figure behind her via the reflection placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, don't let your anger define your actions," [name] could tell it was a man then, and her maroon eyes laid upon the pair of hanafuda earrings the reflection of the figure wore. She then quickly turned to have a proper look, only to have nothing greeting her at the back once again.

[name] felt her mind going blank as she staggered about. Her head starting to hurt terribly then as she harshly bumped into the mirror, shattering it in the process. Her ears perked up despite the splitting headache she was having and how weak her body became as she heard running footsteps.

"Nee-san?!" Haruki yelled out and [name] slowly lifted her head up just in time to see that Haruki had arrived, and soon did Sanemi as well. The duo quickly ran into her room, lifting her up with ease only to have her falling forward as her eyes slowly shut.

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