❧ 14. ᴅᴇᴄɪꜱɪᴏɴꜱ

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"I don't see a reason why you would still want to have a conversation about this, Shinazugawa-san. What has been done is done. I apologize for the immature side of me, I was just very confused. But I'm glad we talked things out then," [name] spoke out with a soft smile then and Sanemi could only let out a sigh.

"Then... Let me take responsibility for what happened," he spoke out and [name] looked at him confusedly then. It took her a good few seconds, and the lightbulb lit up in her head. Her maroon-colored eyes widened slightly as she realized what Sanemi had meant. She then swallowed the lump in her throat then.

"I don't know if you are willing to accept me for who I am. But I want to take responsibility for getting you pregnant. Not because I should, I mean. Yeah, I should. But also to add on to the fact that I fucking love you. A lot. I don't know if you noticed it," he spoke out and watched as [name] stayed frozen then.

"I know... You don't return the feelings to me despite all those gestures. Maybe you might be better off with someone who isn't as hot-headed as me or as violent as me. Many think I'm not father's material or husband's material since I'm so violent," Sanemi added on and [name] continued to remain silent then.

"Can you... Give me some time to think about it?" she whispered out as her maroon eyes started to well up with tears then. Sanemi then swallowed the lump in his throat as he slowly nodded his head and stood up.

He walked out of her room and stopped, turning slightly.

"I'll be waiting for your answer,"


"Zenitsu... Stop screaming..." [name] spoke out in the dark as Zenitsu continued to scream as he was the very last out of his friends to make it through [name]'s training, which was to hone all senses in a different situation.

"Hurry up, you're only in the first part of the training!" [name] yelled out, still with the same gentle smile on her face as she walked up and stood behind Zenitsu, causing him to scream once more. [name] could only cover her ears then as the latter got afraid.

Since they were in a pitch dark training room, with not a single light available.

"There are traps lined up around the room, deadly or not I'm not sure. But since you are here, why not give it a shot," [name] said with a smile and slapped Zenitsu's back, causing the young Thunder Breath User to fall forward and enter the field filled with nothing but traps.

[name] sighed as she turned and walked towards the wall where she knew well due to her senses and leaned against it. Counting down as she was timing how long Zenitsu would take to complete the first part of the training.

"Oh? Not bad," [name] said with a smile as she realized Zenitsu was standing before her, panting a little as well due to how much he ran and tried to escape.

"Please reduce the screaming," [name] said with a smile and soon she clapped her hands together, and the room lit up. Zenitsu then turned and his eyes widened at how horrible to traps were.

"THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME!" he yelled out, and [name] raised an eyebrow.

"But it didn't, let's move on to the second phase," [name] said with a smile as she easily grabbed hold of Zenitu by the back of his uniform for he tried to escape, only to have [name] tugging him along with ease.

"I don't know if you are willing to accept me for who I am. But I want to take responsibility for getting you pregnant. Not because I should, I mean. Yeah, I should. But also to add on to the fact that I fucking love you. A lot. I don't know if you noticed it,"

Those words rang through [name]'s mind once again. She swallowed the lump in her throat then as she slowly lets go of Zenitsu. She then squats down slightly and Zenitsu started to panic then as she realized how [name] was looking terribly confused.

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