❧ 15. ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴀʟ

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[name] walked through the grounds of the Demon Slayer Corps estates, and eventually stopped in front of a particular one. She silently stood outside, only to have the door slid opened slowly, and a little head popped out.

"Hinode-sama!" a young boy possessing unruly orange hair that flares out around his face, becoming redder near the ends above his ears and shoulders, that he wears messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin and large, orange eyes that redden near the pupils, that are slanted inwards and shaped so as to give him a determined yet kind appearance.

"Senjuro, is your brother in?" she asked, and Senjuro nodded, opening the door even more and allowing her to enter. It was lunchtime, and [name] could hear Kyojuro munching away on the food that was prepared by his younger brother.

She soon entered the dining room, and Kyojuro stopped. He smiled widely at the appearance of his fellow friend and motioned for her to take a seat while Senjuro went ahead to get another set of chopsticks and a bowl of rice.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked in his ever so enthusiastic voice. [name] then smiled as she thanked Senjuro for the hospitality, and then looked at Kyojuro.

"Ah... I'm actually here to visit Rengoku-sama, I have some things I need to ask him about," [name] spoke out as she soon brought out her father's journal, something that she had brought home ever since the last day she visited her old home together with Haruki.

"Ahhh... Father... Hm..." Kyojuro spoke out and [name] rubbed the back of her neck then.

"I don't know if he is alright with meeting me now, given how it has been years ever since I stepped into this estate," [name] spoke out and Kyojuro nodded his head then. Kyojuro then stood up from where he sat and walked together with [name], heading towards where his father was.

He gently knocked on the door and soon slid it open and was rather surprised then to see his father sitting up and looking towards them, with a few books laying about. Shinjuro's eyes then laid upon [name], and his golden eyes laid upon what she was holding.

"I was expecting you," he spoke out and motioned for her to enter. She then slowly entered and she gently patted Kyojuro on the shoulder then, giving him a sign of assurance that she would be fine.

"Are you sure? You are pregnant now," Kyojuro whispered out and [name] nodded her head then. She then watched as Kyojuro took his leave then, still a little hesitant which [name] could only show him a smile then. She then shut the door once he has left and [name] proceeded to kneel in front of Shinjuro.

"How have you been? I heard you went missing for two years," Shinjuro spoke out as he flipped through some of the books then. He then looked up and he noticed how [name]'s maroon-colored eyes were slightly different from before.

There was a different feel radiating off from her gaze.

But it was a comforting feel, he will have to admit to that.

"Shut up, you are nothing but a prideful brat. You are just here to show the fact that you are much more superior than us Breath of Flames user," 

Those words replayed in his mind then and he let out a sigh. He then slowly pushed the books away and soon got onto his knees, causing [name]'s maroon-colored eyes to widen at what he was doing. She then watched as he bowed down then, with his forehead touching the floor.

"I apologize for those words I said to you back then. I deeply regret what I have said and mistreated you, I'm truly sorry," Shinjuro spoke out and he soon felt a gentle touch against his shoulder.

"Rengoku-sama, it's alright. It's in the past now," she spoke out and watched as Shinjuro soon sat up properly once again and soon he handed her a book to her. She then grabbed hold of it and looked at it a little confusedly then.

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