❧ ᴇᴘɪʟᴏɢᴜᴇ

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He felt something raining upon his face, and he slowly opened his maroon-colored eyes. He noticed the figure then, a striking figure that he thought it was his older twin brother, only to notice how he was staring into a pair of maroon-colored eyes that were similar to his.

"Yoriichi-san," [name] called out and Yoriichi sat up under the cherry blossom tree and he smiled as he nuzzled his head against the top of hers.

"You did well. I'm so proud of you, my descendent" he whispered out with a wide smile on his face.


"[name]?" and [name] hummed in response then as she turned to look at her husband who was standing right behind her as she sat on the patio. A smile appearing on her face then and Sanemi could only look at her and soon walked over to where she was.

"You did great, babe," he whispered out as he pecked her on the cheek as his rough hand found its way onto her now flat abdomen. She then smiled softly then as they could hear the faint sound of their babies sleeping soundly in the room behind them.

"I'm surprised that you aren't exhausted. I remember my mother got exhausted when she gave birth," Sanemi spoke out since he was the eldest son in his family then.

"I'm surprised too, but that means I'm strong enough to carry the weight!" [name] spoke out and Sanemi chuckled softly then and the duo turned as they heard footsteps. [name] then noticed how tired Haruki looked along with Genya as well.

"Did something happened between you two? I heard noises coming from your room, Haruki," [name] spoke out and Haruki blinked a few times whereas Genya's face turned bright red then.

"S-So, what did you name your kids?" Genya asked, clearly avoiding the question and the duo watched as [name] leaned her chin against Sanemi's shoulder and continued to look at them and Sanemi then pecked her on the forehead.

"The girl... we named her Shinazugawa Hina, with Hina meaning sun," [name] spoke out with a smile and Haruki showed her a thumbs up then.

"The boy... we named him Shinazugawa Souta, with Souta meaning wind," [name] added on and Haruki raised an eyebrow in response.

"Naming them after your Breath Styles?" he asked and [name] nodded her head in response then.

"Was it difficult, giving birth to twins?" Genya asked, genuine concern for his sister-in-law, and [name] laughed softly then.

"Not really... When you have Shinobu helping you out, whereas your older brother disappeared because apparently, he fainted when he saw me bleeding too much," [name] spoke out and Sanemi started to turn embarrassed.

"Har? He slits his arms so much to let his blood drip, and he fainted when he saw too much blood coming from you? I think the amount of blood he bleeds throughout his life is equivalent to what you bled out, nee-san," Haruki spoke out and [name] laughed softly as Sanemi had an irk mark on his forehead.

"Well, it seems our guests have arrived too," Haruki spoke out as he looked towards the front yard, and there stood their former comrades and Hashiras.

"Shinazugawa-san! Hinode-san! Haruki-san! Genya!" Tanjiro called out as he waved enthusiastically and [name] laughed softly then as Sanemi had an irk mark on his forehead still.

"Be nice, Nemi," she whispered out and poked his cheek, causing him to let out a sigh then and he watched as Haruki and Genya had gone to greet their guests.

Sanemi then pulled [name] up and into the room where their children were sleeping, and Sanemi soon pulled [name] close to his body, and planted a kiss on her lips.

Their mouths moved in sync, and Sanemi smirked at how flustered his wife's face was. He then let out a satisfied sigh then as he hugged her tightly in his arms.

His missing piece.

The person who filled the hole in his heart.

The person whom he was willing to change for.

Was no longer missing.

"I love you, [name]," he whispered out as he looked at [name] once again and watched as her pink-tinted lips curled up then and she tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips once again.

"I love you too, Nemi," she whispered out and soon turned embarrassed as Sanemi had a scowl on his face and was prepared to whip out his nichirin blade as their friends were looking at what was going on.

"A THIRD ONE COMING?!" Kyojuro yelled out and immediately did the babies woke up, and Sanemi had an irk mark then.

"RENGOKU!" and he started to chase, where [name] started to try and comfort her children, calming them down with the help of Shinobu and Mitsuri.



[name] shifted a little in her sleep as the sunlight soon shone directly onto her face. She slowly cracked open her maroon eyes in response and proceeded to support the upper part of her body up, stretching slightly. She was just about to get out of the futon, only to feel an arm wrapped around her waist, tugging her back.

[name] then laughed a little then as she could hear Sanemi's heartbeat as she was then turned over and pulled into a hug once more. A kiss planted on the top of her head then as Sanemi rested his head on top of hers, and he sighed in content.

"Good morning, my wife," he spoke out in a sleepy voice, and [name] could only hum in response then. She soon got out of his hug and sat up properly, whereas Sanemi could only then watch as he continued to remain to lay down on the futon with his arm still stretched out where he had hugged [name].

He watched as her maroon eyes were opened slightly because she had just woken up. Her black hair a little messy then due to the intense workout they had the previous night. The way her fair naked skin glowed under the sunlight.

She yawned a little and raised her hand to cover her mouth then, and Sanemi knew, he was lucky to have [name] by his side.

Splendidly beautiful.

"Nemi?" she called out and Sanemi then snapped out of his thoughts when he realized [name] had been calling him. A gentle smile appeared on her lips then as Sanemi sat up on his futon and looked at [name].

"I love you, Nemi," she spoke out with a smile and Sanemi could only chuckle as he easily wrapped his arms around her naked waist and pulled her down once again, kissing her harshly on her lips.

"Mm... I love you too," he mumbled out, and their eyes widened slightly as they started to laugh softly as they heard the cries of their babies, clearly hungry.

"Well then, it looks like my attention won't always be on you," [name] spoke out and Sanemi had a slight pout on his face then as he soon pulled her down once again as she had sat up, preparing to get dressed and attend to their babies.

"OI! STOP FUCKING AND GO AND FEED THOSE DEVILS! IT'S GOD DAMN SO EARLY AND GENYA AND I ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Haruki's voice came booming through and [name]'s eyes widened then as she watched Sanemi getting up and getting dressed.

"Take care of the kids. I'm going to rip apart some other brat,"

"Don't rip too much, I still want him in big pieces," [name] called out.

The End

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