❧ 13. ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ

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The sound of birds chirping and fluttering of wings was heard. [name] could only groan slightly due to the heat that was shining upon her body then. She felt hot, too hot for her liking, and her maroon eyes slowly twitched as she turned to face her back against the sunlight. She then slowly opened her maroon eyes, only to blink in confusion then.

"Shinazugawa-san?" [name] whispered out and soon sat up, realizing that he was hugging her in his sleep. She then placed a hand against her head then as she had a pounding headache and frowned as she looked at Sanemi again.


Her maroon eyes widened as she looked at herself. The number of hickeys she had on her body was too many to count. She swallowed the lump in her throat then as she slowly pulled the covers away from Sanemi's body and her eyes widened at the number of scratches and hickeys he had on his body.

[name], started to panic then and quickly got up. She randomly grabbed hold one of the clothes that were lying about and put it on, wrapping it around her body tightly and she started to run out.

Just in time as Sanemi had slowly opened his pale purple eyes due to the movements. He then groaned slightly as he sat up, placing a hand against his head due to the hangover he was having.

"Ah fuck. Shouldn't have drunk so much," he muttered out and soon stood up. His pale purple eyes then noticed how he was naked and his eyes widened slightly as he noticed how he had numerous scratches and hickeys on his body.

"Urgh..." he hit his head then, trying to remember what had happened the previous night.

"Who..." he muttered out and soon his eyes laid upon the clothes that were left on the floor. His pale purple eyes then widened as he recognized it.

"[name]..." he whispered out.


"Hinode-san? Hinode-san!" and [name] snapped out of her thoughts then and she looked at Mitsuri, noticing she was bandaged up as well.

Then she remembered she was in the middle of a meeting together with Amane who was acting as Oyakata-sama's messenger for he could no longer move anymore.

"Yeah, I'm alright. No worries," she whispered out and looked at Sanemi who then quickly averted his gaze. [name] then continued to listen as Muichiro explained how does one obtain their demon slayer mark.

"I'm very sorry for the wait. For our Hashira meeting today, I, Ubuyashiki Amane will be attending in place of Ubushiyaki Kagaya. Right now, the disease affecting our Master Kagaya has gotten worse. And he sends his apologies for being unable to attend this meeting in front of you all," Amane spoke out.

"Understood, I will pray for Oyakata-sama's flickering flame of life to last a bit longer even for just a day and for you to stay strong, Amane-sama," Himejima spoke out as he sat at the front.

"He would like to give his thanks to all the Hashiras. I'm sure you all have heard this, but now we have a demon who has conquered the sun and she is here. Kibutsuji Muzan has most likely altered his goals to go after her so that he can conquer the sun himself. The time for an all-out battle is approaching," Amane spoke out and noticed how [name] was shifting slightly in her position.

A sight she has never seen before.

And Haruki noticed it and he continued to watch what was going on then as he continued to listen to the meeting.

"Also, we have reports of strange marks appearing on Kanroji-sama and Tokito-sama during their battles against Upper Moons Four and Five. So I would like to ask you two about how you got those marks and what the conditions are to obtain them," Amane added on and she looked at [name] once more.

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