~ Chapter 2 ~

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~ Skyler' POV ~

So it's our last night here in Hawaii this place is really beautiful. We are getting ready for dinner and of course Star is taking longer to get ready. She is beautiful just the way she is she doesn't need any makeup or anything. Yes, I'm in love with her, and she is my best friend I want to tell her, but I'm scared that she doesn't feel the same way. I'm hoping that if I throw hints out there she will realize that I'm in love with her and if she feels the same way she will tell me.

~Skyler~ Star are you ready?

~Star~ Yes I am. I can't believe this is our last night here in Hawaii.

I told her I know and this place is beautiful and that we will be coming back here again. Furthermore, I tell her that the next place we are going to is Africa, and she is so excited, and she wants to go on a safari ride. Likewise, I tell her not to worry about that cute head of hers and that yes we will be going on a safari ride. Furthermore, I let her know it was getting late, and we need to get going to make our reservations. We are now headed to the restaurant we decided to walk once the restaurant wasn't far from the hotel.

~Skyler~ It's such a beautiful night I'm glad we decided to walk.

~Star~ It is I love it here. We need to plan a trip to come back here for sure.

~Skyler~ We will for sure don't worry.

Once we get to the restaurant we walk in, and we go to the counter and let them know we have reservations. They look at the reservation book, and they look for my name once they find it they lead us to our table. Once we are seated the waiter comes over and asked what we would like to drink. We tell him then he leaves and goes and gets our drinks. The waiter comes back a few minutes later with our drinks, and then we order our food.

~Star~ This place is beautiful.

~Skyler~ Yes it is.

I looked at her when I said that. I can see she is in shock that I was looking right at her when I said yes it is. Furthermore, I hope she understands that I'm saying that she is beautiful. She asked what our plans are for when we get to Africa. I tell her I don't know yet all I know for sure is that we are going on a safari ride. She says that will just wing it when we get there I said it sounds good to me. Our food has arrived, and we continue to talk while we eat. The food was delicious after we finish eating we get up I leave a tip and I go pay the bill. We walk back to the hotel good thing is that we are both already packed. We have an early flight tomorrow, so we need to get some sleep. Once we get back and up to our room we both get changed, and then we lay down and we both fall asleep right away.

~ End of Skyler' POV ~

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