~ Chapter 4 ~

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~ Skyler' POV ~

The alarm goes off at 6 am. Our flight is at 8 am Star and I get up and ready to head out to the airport. Star is complaining about the flight being so early. She will never be a morning person. She tells me she loves her sleep and I tell her to just get some sleep on the plane. We are on our way to the airport once we get there and go to our gate, we sit and wait.

~Skyler~ It seems like every time we have to wait to board the plane the wait gets longer.

~Star~ Yeah it does.

~Skyler~ So are you excited?

~Star~ Hell yeah I am. I'm really happy that you and I are getting to do all of this together.

~Skyler~ I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.

We are called to board our flight when we get on and into our seats I let Star know that if she falls asleep I'll wake her before we land. After sometimes the captain speaks then we are taking off. Star uses my shoulder for a pillow I tell her yeah and also let her know that she doesn't have to ask that every time cuz it will always be the same answer. She ends up falling asleep, and I'm just sitting here looking at her. I need to man up and tell her that I'm in love with her and that I want to be in a relationship with her. We are almost there so I wake her up.

~Skyler~ Beautiful wake up we are almost there.

~Star~ Mmm okay I'm up. You buckled me back in thank you.

~Skyler~ You're welcome you should know that I would do anything for you. I love you and you're my best friend and I don't want anything to happen to you.

~Star~ I love you too bestie.

I can see the hurt look in her eyes she must think that I only love her as a friend, but I don't I'm in love with her. I have been since we were younger I guess I have always been scared to tell her my true feelings. We get a cab to take us to the hotel we are staying at once we get there we check. We get to our room, and it's a nice room we always get a room with a king-sized bed once we always share a bed we always have even when we were younger. Not only that, but we started sharing a bed when Star lost her parents she would get horrible nightmares, and she would wake up screaming. The only nights she would not have any nightmares is when she was in my bed, or I stayed in hers. I became her safe place and I'm happy that she feels safe with me.

~Star~ This room is pretty big.

~Skyler~ Yeah I think it's bigger than the one we had in Hawaii.

We order room service and decided to just watch TV for the night. Tomorrow we plan to explore all day. Once our room service gets here we eat and watch a little more TV before we get ready for bed.

~Star~ Do you want to use the bathroom first or should I?

~Skyler~ You can use it first beautiful.

~Star~ Okay I won't belong.

~Skyler~ Take your time I'm not in a hurry.

She goes into the bathroom and gets ready for bed.

After a while, she comes out looking sexy as hell.

~Star~ Okay Sky you can go use the bathroom now I'm all finished.

~Skyler~ Okay I'll be right out.

I go to the bathroom and I get ready for bed. Once I'm done I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to the bed. I pull the covers back, I get in, and I cuddle with Star. This is the only way we can both sleep if we are cuddled up next to each other.

~Star~ Goodnight Sky I love you.

~Skyler~ Goodnight beautiful I love you too.

We both fall asleep almost right away.

~ End of Skyler' POV ~

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