~ Chapter 15 ~

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~ Star' POV ~

Our alarm goes off right at 4:30 am. I roll over to shut that fucking damn thing off. I finally reached the damn thing and I turned it off.

~Star~ My Sky it's time to wake up.

~Skyler~ I'm up my Star I'm up.

~Star~ God why did this flight have to be so fucking early?

~Skyler~ I don't know beautiful you're the one that booked this trip.

~Star~ I did fuck myself, didn't I?

~Skyler~ It's okay it was a nice surprise.

~Star~ Haha. Okay well, I still think we should just lay here and go back to sleep haha.

~Skyler~ Oh no you don't. Get that fine ass up and get ready we have a flight to catch.

~Star~ Fine you win you're lucky I love you otherwise I would have killed you by now.

~Skyler~ Haha I know you wouldn't and this is why cuz you would miss me way too much.

~Star~ Okay you're right I would miss you and that handsome face of yours.

~Skyler~ Now get up and get dressed.

We both get up and get dressed. We pack our suitcases, and then we went to go check out. Furthermore, we walk down the street to this cute little café we order breakfast.

~Star~ I know I don't drink coffee that much, but I need a Frappuccino.

~Skyler~ Damn you must be having a rough morning.

~Star~ You bet your ass I am.

~Skyler~ Well just think you will be able to sleep on the plane.

~Star~ Yeah I could.

Our order was called and Skyler went to grab our order. We ate and talked I noticed that the girl that took our order didn't take her eyes off of Skyler.

~Star~ I think someone has a crush on you Sky.

~Skyler~ Oh really and who would that be?

~Star~ The girl at the counter that took our order. She hasn't taken her eyes off of you.

~Skyler~ Yeah well she can keep looking I'm not interested. Plus she is not my type.

~Star~ Oh so now you have a type?

~Skyler~ I always had a type.

~Star~ Oh really and what is your type?

~Skyler~ Smart, beautiful, sweet, loving, has beautiful long hair is about 5'7 and doesn't care what people think of her.

~Star~ So then you want someone that is a lot like me then.

~Skyler~ You could say that but there is only one of you.

~Star~ Aww you are the sweetest person I have ever met.

~Skyler~ Only for you.

We order an Uber to take us to the airport. We finished our breakfast and as soon as we did our Uber was already waiting for us outside the café. As we walked Skyler was holding my hand. We got into the car, and we were off to the airport. It only took us 15 minutes to get to the airport we checked in now we wait. Once our flight was called we grabbed the luggage that we were able to carry on, and we headed to get on the plane. We find our seats and we get buckled up. After about 25 minutes we are finally up in the air. Normally I would be trying to sleep, but I'm wide awake thanks to the coffee. I'm afraid of heights so that's why I try to sleep through the flights. Skylar grabs my hand and just holds it as he knows I'm scared. Plus it doesn't help that I have watched the Final Destination movies over a thousand times. I stay awake the whole flight. We finally land, and we get a cab to the hotel. We are staying at a five-star hotel we check-in, and we go to our room.

~ End of Star' POV ~

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