~ Chapter 7 ~

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~ Star' POV ~

I woke up, and I noticed Skyler was not in bed. I turn over, and I see a note on the pillow.

~ The note ~

Good morning my beautiful Star. Get up and get ready cuz today we are going on the safari ride. I went to get us some breakfast I should be back by the time you are finished getting ready. With love your Sky.

OMG, he is so sweet. I can't help but fall even more in love with him. I get up, and I head to the bathroom I turn the water on, and I get it to the right temperature. Likewise, I get in and let the hot water run down over my body. Furthermore, I wash my hair and body then I get out of the shower. Likewise, I dry my hair with a towel and put my hair oil into my hair then I brush it. Furthermore, I brush my teeth, and then I put my body lotion on then get dressed. Not only that, but I put on light make-up then I spray my perfume on me. Now that I'm all ready I walk out of the bathroom. And there is Skyler who is sitting at the little table we have in our room. He has breakfast out on the table.

~Skyler~ Well it's about time you are done. I have been waiting for you for 5 minutes.

~Star~ Well beauty takes time you know you can't rush it.

~Skyler~ Haha you are always beautiful in my eyes Star. Now come and eat, and then we can get going.

I walk over to the table and I sit down, and we eat and talk about our safari ride today. After we are finished eating we head out. We finally arrived at the place we checked in and Skyler booked a private tour for us. We are now on the ride and so far we have seen birds, baboons, meerkats, impalas, hyenas, zebras, elephants, cheetahs, giraffes, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lions, and leopards.

~Star~ Thank you for this Sky. I love this it's so beautiful out here and the animals are amazing to see in person.

~Skyler~ You're welcome I'm happy that you are having an amazing time. I would do anything for you just as long as I get to see that beautiful smile of yours.

I smile at him. When the tour is over we head to the gift shop. We bought a few things then we headed back into town we stopped at a few places. Then it was getting late, so we started heading back to the hotel and ordering room service for dinner. And we just stay in and watch movies together for the rest of the night.

~Star~ So what are our plans for tomorrow?

~Skyler~ I was thinking we could do a bit of shopping and sightseeing. Then we can just relax for the rest of the day.

~Star~ Sounds good to me. What time is our flight?

~Skyler~ Our flight is for noon, so you won't have to get up too early. Check is at 11 am so that works even better.

~Star~ Oh, thank god lol.

We hear a knock on the door that must be our food. Sky answers the door and tips the guy then shuts the door. Sky brings the food over to the couch where we are sitting watching a movie. We eat, and then we watch another movie before it's time for bed.

~ End of Star' POV ~

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