~ Chapter 23 ~

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~ Star' POV ~

We arrived at the falls, and it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Skyler is standing behind me, and he wrapped his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, he rests his head on my shoulder.

~Skyler~ I'm so happy that we get to enjoy this beautiful place as a couple and not just as best friends.

~Star~ Me too. I'm happy I can now enjoy our time traveling with not only my best friend but my boyfriend as well.

~Skyler~ So where are we going next?

~Star~ I'm going to let you pick the next place.

~Skyler~ Okay then let's go to Rome.

~Star~ Rome is also on our list of places to visit.

~Skyler~ We should try to visit every place on our list.

~Star~ Okay let's do it. We might have to shorten our stays but this is going to be fun.

~Skyler~ Yes it is.

~Star~ Shall we go walk on the trail for a while? Then we can head back and get some lunch.

~Skyler~ Sure that sounds nice.

We walk towards the trail hand in hand. We stop and take a few pictures as we want to remember everything. Not only that, but we have been walking for 2 hours now, so we are now heading back, so we can get some lunch. Likewise, we stopped at the same place as yesterday, and we order the same as yesterday. That burger was fucking amazing I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that's just how good it is. We head back to the hotel, and we booked our flight and hotel for our trip to Rome. The soonest flight that was available is for tomorrow night which is okay with us. We spend the rest of the night at the hotel. We make love then we head to bed. The next morning we have morning sex then we just walk around town we had lunch, and then we head back to our room, and we start packing up our things. The next thing we know is it's time to go to the airport. We do our normal routine at the airport. Before we knew it we are on the plane and taking off for Rome. Again I stay up the whole flight which isn't that bad when I'm not focused on being in the air. It also helps that Skyler helps me focus on other things. We land, and we can rent a car this time after we were in the car we go check into our hotel. We get dinner, and then we pass out for the night. Furthermore, we wake up the next morning feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.

~Star~ Mmm morning babe.

~Skyler~ Mmm good morning my love.

We kiss each other good morning we end up having some fun, and then we get up and shower together. We ordered breakfast, so now we are sitting on the couch waiting for room service.

~Star~ What is the plan for today.

~Skyler~ Well we should figure out our next stop and then book it. Then we should go do some sightseeing today once we are only here for tonight and tomorrow night.

~Star~ Okay then let's go to Washington D.C next.

~Skyler~ Okay sounds good to me.

Our food comes we eat, and then we go sightseeing. We spent hours just sightseeing and trying new foods. It's been a wonderful day it's late now, so we are back at the hotel, and we watch a movie then we head to bed. Tomorrow we are going shopping and sightseeing some more. We wake up the next morning, and we get ready to go shopping. We shop half of the day we stop and get lunch then we went sightseeing for the rest of the day. Not only that, but we are now back at the hotel, and we are relaxing. Furthermore, we fell asleep watching a movie we woke up just in time to check out and catch our flight. Likewise, we are now on our way to Washington D.C when we land and when we get to the hotel it's around 6 pm. So we just order room service, and we go swimming. We call it a night, and we head to bed.

~ End of Star' POV ~

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