~ Chapter 28 ~

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~ Skyler' POV ~

Well, we have been home for almost a week and today is our 22nd birthday. Of course, my parents are throwing us a birthday party/engagement party. They were really happy and when we told them that we are engaged. We plan to get married in 6 months. We are at our apartment getting ready for our party. I can't wait to just get back home and spend time with my beautiful fiancée.

~Star~ Babe are you ready to go we need to get to your parent's house.

~Skyler~ Yes babe I'm ready.

~Star~ Okay well we better get going otherwise we are going to be late.

~Skyler~ Okay okay let's go and get this over with. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can come back home, and it can just be the two of us.

~Star~ I like the sound of that.

We head out to go to my parent's house for our party. Once we get there all of our family and friends are there they all wish us a happy birthday, and they congratulate us on our engagement. The party finally came to an end around 10 pm. We say our goodbyes to my parents. We head back home.

~Skyler~ Thank God that's over, and we are finally home so we can finally have our alone time.

~Star~ It's a nice way to end our birthday. So what do you want to do?

~Skyler~ Well I think we should spend the rest of our birthday in bed making love to each other.

Star grabs my hand and takes us to our room. Once we get in there we stripped each other's clothes off. Once our clothes are off she pushes me onto the bed and kneels between my legs. She takes my hard throbbing dick into her mouth. Fuck she is sucking my dick just the way I like it. I pull her up, and I have her lay down, and now I'm between her legs. I start eating her pussy like I'm a starving man. Likewise, I stop right before she cums. Furthermore, I line my dick up, and I slam into her hard and deep. Fuck it feels so fucking good. We fuck like animals until 1 is. we didn't even realize we fell asleep.

~ 6 months later ~

It's our wedding day I finally get to marry my best friend and my true love. We are having a small wedding in my parent's backyard it's just our closest friends and family here to support us. So here I am standing at the altar waiting for my soon-to-be wife to walk down the aisle. I'm getting nervous just standing here and waiting. I can't wait to see her in her dress. Finally, the music starts to play. I see her walking with my dad she looks beautiful the only thing I wish was that her parents could've been here today with us, but I know they're here in spirit with us, and they're proud of her. The ceremony was short but sweet. We are finally husband and wife.

~Skyler~ So how does it feel to be my wife?

~Star~ It feels great how does it feel to be my husband?

~Skyler~ It's the greatest feeling in the world.

~Star~ I love you husband.

~Skyler~ I love you to wife.

~Star~ We should probably head to the reception now before they send a search party for us.

~Skyler~ Okay let's go.

We walk out of the house and into the backyard we gave everyone some time to set up for the reception once we had the ceremony also in the backyard. We eat and share our first dance as husband and wife we cut the cake. Now it's time for us to leave for our honeymoon.

~Star~ Babe do we have everything?

~Skyler~ Yes I have triple-checked to make sure last night that we had everything packed.

~Star~ Okay did you pack my birth control pills?

~Skyler~ Yes I did. Speaking of that I noticed that it's a fresh new pack, and it shouldn't be.

~Star~ Yes babe I know, and you didn't need to pack them remember. We talked about this a month ago that I would stop taking them. Cuz remembers it takes time to leave my system.

~Skyler~ Shit babe I forgot about that. But yes I do remember, and I can't wait to start our family. Also, when we get back from our honeymoon we get to move into our new house.

~Star~ I still can't believe your parents bought us a house as a wedding gift.

~Skyler~ I know. Well, let's get going before we miss our flight.

We head to the airport, and we arrived right on time. We are spending our honeymoon in Ontario Canada that is where it all started. I'm very happy that my Star is now my wife.

~ End of Skyler' POV ~

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