~ Chapter 18 ~

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~ Skyler' POV ~

We are all ready for the day. We have never been to a city or place in the afternoon we have always arrived late at night. I'm deep in my thoughts when I hear my Star.

~Star~ So now what do you want to do once it's only 3 pm.

~Skyler~ I don't know we have never gotten to a city or place in the afternoon before. Let's do our shopping now so then that's out of the way.

~Star~ Okay let's go then.

~Skyler~ Let's get lunch first cuz I'm starving.

~Star~ Okay.

We head out and look for a place to eat. We found a place called The Works Gourmet Burger Bistro. Hopefully, the food is good here it all looks good, but you really can't trust how it looks. We both ordered a burger and fries with lemonade to drink. The waitress brings us our drinks and tells us she will be back when our food is ready.

~Star~ I can't wait to try the food.

~Skyler~ Haha you act as if you have never had a burger and fries before.

~Star~ Hey now every place is different, and they all taste different.

~Skyler~ Okay you do have a point. I'll let you win just this once.

~Star~ Yeah okay I always win, so I don't know what you are talking about.

~Skyler~ Sure if that's what helps you sleep at night I'll let you keep believing that you always win.

~Star~ You're an ass you know that.

~Skyler~ I know I have one. I'm currently sitting on it.

~Star~ Fucking smart ass.

~Skyler~ Oh you know you love it when I'm a smart ass.

~Star~ Haha you're a funny dude.

~Skyler~ Oh I know I am.

~Star~ Okay now you need to behave cuz I think our food is coming.

~Skyler~ Sure thing boss haha.

The waitress brings us our food and then asked if we would like a refill on a lemonade. She takes our glasses, and then she returned with our refills. After the waitress leaves Star took a bite of the burger, and she fucking moans.

~Star~ Mmmm this burger is so fucking delicious holy shit I think I just had an orgasm in my mouth.

~Skyler~ You can't make noises like that.

~Star~ Why?

~Skyler~ My Star I'm a man and those sounds coming from a very attractive woman turn us, men, on.

~Star~ Oh come on. Me making them sound doesn't turn you on. I mean look at me and then look at you I'm Fluffy, and you're fit. A guy like you wouldn't even look at me twice.

~Skyler~ Listen to me, you are very attractive. You are perfect just the way you are and if any man can't see that then they are fucking blind. So yes when you make sounds like that it does turn me on.

~Star~ Okay Sky what is going on with you? You have been acting different lately, and I don't mean that in a bad way.

~Skyler~ Let's finish our food then we can go take a walk in the Niagara Nature Park, and then I will tell you everything.

~Star~ Okay should I be worried?

~Skyler~ No you have nothing to worry about.

~Star~ Okay.

Fuck I'm freaking out how do I tell her that I'm madly in love with her. I hope she doesn't freak the fuck out when I tell her everything. We finished eating, and I pay the bill and I leave a tip. Now we are in an Uber heading to the park. Once we get there I take Star' hand then we start walking on the trail.

~Skyler~ Okay so the reason I have been acting differently is cuz there is something I need to tell you.

~Star~ Okay you should know by now that you can tell me anything.

~Skyler~ I know I can.

~Star~ Okay well whenever you are ready to tell me I'll listen until you are finished.

~Skyler~ Okay just give me a minute, please.

~Star~ Okay.

We continued walking we ended up by a waterfall I'm still silent. Okay, I can do this I need to tell her before it's too late. We stand here in silence until I'm ready to talk. Fuck hear it goes I hope this works out for the best. But if not I hope I don't lose her she is my best friend. Okay, it's now or never.

~ End of Skyler' POV ~

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