~ Chapter 13 ~

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~ Star' POV ~

We are finally seeing the Grand Canyon today. I'm so fucking excited for today. I have noticed that Skyler has been acting differently since we got here. Furthermore, I need to see what's going on with him. We are on our way to see the Canyon, and I'm just looking out the window, and Sky is doing the same. Sky ends up putting his hand on my thigh, and he is drawing circles with his thumb. Every time Skyler touches me I feel this electric feeling that goes through my whole body. I love that feeling I love it when he touches me. I have also noticed every chance he gets he will touch me. He will put his arm around me or touch my leg like he is now or when we watch movies he has me cuddle with him. I mean I love that he is doing all of these things, and it makes me truly believe that when I tell him that I have and that I'm in love with him, he is going to say he's in love with me too. We finally get to the Canyon. We get out of the car, and we start to look around.

~Skyler~ Wow this place is really beautiful. And to make it even more beautiful is that I'm here with the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

~Star~ Oh Sky you are too kind to your words.

~Skyler~ It's only the truth my Star.

~Star~ Aww my Sky can be so romantic and sweet sometimes.

~Skyler~ Only for my Star.

We continue to walk around and enjoy the view. Skyler has been holding my hand the whole time. He is making this feel like we are a couple, but I won't say anything just yet. I plan to tell him how I feel at our next stop but I still need to tell him where we are going. We head back to the hotel and once we got back to our room we ordered dinner.

~Star~ So are you ready to know where we are going next?

~Skyler~ Fuck yes I have been trying to figure it out. But of course, you didn't give me any hints.

~Star~ Okay, so we are going to Ontario, Canada.

~Skyler~ No fucking way are we going to see Niagara Falls?

~Star~ Yes we are.

~Skyler~ Oh my fucking god we both have been talking about going there since we were kids.

~Star~ I know that was the number 1 place we both wanted to visit.

~Skyler~ I love you my Star you are the best.

~Star~ I love you too.

Our food finally arrived. We ate and talked. After we were done eating we took a walk it's very beautiful here at night.

~Star~ It's really beautiful here at night.

~Skyler~ Yes it is. So do you miss home yet?

~Star~ Yes and no. I miss it cuz it's our home but no cuz it just makes me miss my parents even more than I do now.

~Skyler~ I understand Star if it was my parents I would probably feel the same way. But just remember I'll always be here for you and I don't plan on leaving you.

~Star~ I know and thank you for always being by my side.

~Skyler~ You're welcome.

We head back to the hotel once we get back to our room we both took turns taking a shower, and then we headed to bed. Our flight is at 6 am, so we need to get up early.

~ End of Star' POV ~

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