Chapter 1

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Hi! This is my first time writing a fanfiction ever, and also my first time trying to write anything in english since I am not a native speaker. I hope its going to be coherent and that there will be no errors that will ruin the whole story for you, I was actually really nervous writing this so I hope its going to be enjoyable ♥


There were few people that dared to actually challenge Technoblade to a fight. And only two came out of that fight alive.

It happened just a few days ago and it was the only thing the people in the village were talking about. The famous bounty hunter named Dream and his friend George gained the respect of the people here instantly, getting showered with gifts and admirers since. As a reward, they've been given a place to stay in until they made another move against the mysterious man under the name of Technoblade.

Dream watched his friend as he was unpacking his bag while he was cleaning their bloodstained clothes. Staring at the bright red spots made him remember the crimson cape of his enemy, fluttering all over the place. He remembered the sounds of their diamond swords clashing and him getting his ass kicked for the first time in his life.

He was frustrated. His job was to eliminate the target and get the money. That was the way he and George worked. They were good enough to have a 100% success rate. At least, they were until now.

He couldn't stop thinking about it. He wasn't used to failing, especially when it came to fights like this. Two skilled people against one sounded easy enough. But the second they saw the man, they knew that it wasn't going to be like their usual fights.

There was something about him that made Dream shiver in fear. Normally they went after thieves or murderers, criminals in general. But he didn't actually know what Technoblade did that made him this dangerous and feared. People went pale when they heard his name and when they saw his sillhouette in the distance, they ran for their lives. But whenever Dream asked about who he was or what it was he did, no one wanted to talk to him about it. All he saw was that they were terrified.

„Dream," He heard George talking to him. „Are you alright?"

„Yeah I'm fine. The leg still hurts though." He gestured to his bloodied thigh. „Why are you asking?"

„You were staring blankly at the ceiling since we got here. I just wanna make sure you're okay." He actually sounded really worried. His gaze was stuck on the wound Dream had gotten from Technoblade.

He knew Dream took this mission seriously. He wasn't used to failure, even though he was the one that managed to actually cause damage to Techno in the end. The way his blade cut through the pink haired man's face was one of the most satisfying things he'd ever seen. After that, Technoblade hopped on his horse and dissapeared into the mountains, leaving behind only a trail of blood.

„I'm alright. No need to worry about it." Dream ran a hand through his hair. He was trying to sound calm but was failing miserably.

„I actually DO worry about you." He sat next to him on the bed. „Look, I know it sucks. We could've killed him on the spot, but he was... I dunno, maybe using some sort of magic. It was fucking impossible to even hit him."

Dream nodded. But deep down he knew that Techno didn't use any potions or magic spells like some of the other guys they eliminated. He was just that good.

„I feel like I failed." He whispered. „The people here were counting on me to smite him off this world, but I just managed to scare him off."

„So what? Isn't that important too? The main goal was to get rid of him, to make sure he never shows up here again."

„I know but fuck..." Dream made a frustrated groan. „He's going to come back. This guy doesn't look like he's giving up that easily. I bet he's already planning on how to get his revenge at this very moment."

„Dream, you need to rest." George stood up. „Take a shower and go to sleep. You're starting to get paranoid. He's not some evil mastermind; he's just an asshole with a god complex."„That doesn't make him any less dangerous."

George just rolled his eyes. „Goodnight Dream. We're leaving in the morning."

After a shower, Dream laid down on the bed and tried to fall asleep. But after a few hours of rolling back and forth, he was starting to get pissed. What did Techno have that he didn't? His ego was seriously damaged and it made him feel like he was going crazy. Why was he still thinking about the man anyway? It wasn't healthy at all.

After making sure that George was asleep, Dream got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He really needed to calm down right now because his head was starting to fill up with dangerous ideas. Like sneaking out right then and trying to kill Technoblade in the middle of the night when he wasn't suspecting a thing. He was staring at his face for a few minutes, fighting with himself over which part of him was going to win. The rational side was telling him to stay in bed and go on with his life. On the other hand, his impulsive side constantly made his gaze hover over his sword and bow.

Making up his mind, he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote and left a message for George on the table. That way he wouldn't freak out when he wakes up alone tomorrow.

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