Chapter 9

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As the sun slowly faded away behind the hills and moon made his way up to the sky, people in the village started to get nervous. Noone really knew what was happening but everyone already heard about the incident that occured this morning, incident that changed absolutely everything.

Some people were mad for obvious reasons, thinking that bringing the main villain of the whole land to their village was stupid and dangerous, but vast majority of villagers was curious about the reason why Dream decided to come back with Technoblade by his side.

Said man spent the whole day in hospital, making the building the main place of interest for the whole village. He heard people walking behind thick walls, children laughing and playing outside, realizing that this was the first time in almost ten years he heard actual human life happening around him. 

He spent the whole day by Wilbur's side, talking about everything that happened, explaining what he went through, including the whole thing with Dream, making snarky remarks and making his friend laugh like when they used to be kids. Brunet listened to his every word, eating it up and processing, thinking about all those years he lived in lie his best friend's brother created, getting hit with cascade of new emotions every second. 

They were pretty sure they were talking nonstop for at least six hours, crying, laughing and mainly enjoying each other's presence. Dream knew very well that Techno would like to talk to his friend all alone, letting him catch up to everything just like he did with George this morning, so he made sure they wouldn't be disturbed.

Night slowly came and Techno looked out of the window, seeing the moon shine over the hills. He realized that inevitable inevitable was coming - he has to tell people his story. And he was sure that he's not ready.

"Wilbur I dont know if I can do this." he suddenly spoke to his best friend, his voice trembling as he tried to compose himself, feeling the anxiety creep into his body.

"You can," he squeezed his hand, sensing the change in Techno's mood. "I believe you. You have a proof for all this, plus Dream saw it too and as you may have noticed, everyone is listening to him. If he's going to confirm your story, everyone will forgive you, you can finally be free!" he tried to cheer him up, knowing damn well that this isn't going to work on Techno anyway.

Pink haired man smiled faintly. "I know but.. I can't talk to people Wilbur, you know that. One to one is alright, but the whole village? Talking about my family being murdered?" his hands started shaking. "No way."

"Oh come on," Wilbur tried to make him feel better, giving him a friendly pat on back. "You were supposed to be a king, talking in front of audiences every day, we were even pracisting together, remember?" he smiled at him, knowing deeply that Techno's right, that he was truly terrified of public speaking. He looked around the room, trying to come up with something that would ease Techno's anxiety, suddenly remembering a prop that always helped him.

"Maybe this would help?" he pointed to the pig mask hanging on the hook. Techno's eyes lighted up, suddenly filled with determination.

He felt like all those years he spent in exile he lost all his memories, like he was living in fog, but now, with Wilbur's help, he started to remember. It didn't hit him all at once, it was more about putting little pieces together. Images and sounds were being put together, suddenly making more sense to his mind.

It was a mask he wore as a kid, back when he had no idea about him being a heir, back when he could barely touch the ground underneath his chair with his toes, back when he was innocent and hapypy. His parents made him come with them to fancy carnivals, letting him choose a mask he could wear, choosing a pig mask every time. Shy kid suddenly changed into a cheery, confident boy, running around with other kids, laughing and having fun. Once the carnival ended and he took off his mask, he become a silent kid again, boy that spent all his time behind closed door of his room, reading books and not talking to anyone. Except Wilbur.

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