Chapter 21

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50k reads! Oh my god thank you so much!

It means so much to me that you are reading my story, for real, I am currently in quarantine due to my dad being tested as positive for covid and I am starting to lose my sense of taste and smell, so I am having a hard time coping with all that and because I am now trapped in my room, all I can do is to do my homework and be on my notebook, and since my comfort thing is writing, I am using this time to write another chapters. Writing this story and reading your comments is literally making my day and my whole quarantine. Thank you so much ^^

Enjoy the story! 


Phil's little pub was getting filled with so needed laughs and giggling that all of them craved so badly. Everyone was sitting around little round table, enjoying the cold drinks and warmth that was coming from fireplace behind them. There were little candles light up everywhere, making the dark, gloomy room just a little bit more friendlier, creating an illusion of perfect life where wasn't any tyrant on the throne and where they can all be free. It wasn't a perfect illusion, but it was just enough for them to finally rest.

Wilbur and George were too busy drunkenly playing cards and cackling up after a few sets of beers, letting Techno tell Phil about what actually happened back then, ten years before this beautiful moment of reunion. His hair was pulled back into a little ponytail, letting everyone admire his face in candlelight, making Dream remember the night at the bonfire where he realized that he fell in love.

He always thought that falling in love was like being pushed over the edge of a mountain, getting his body destroyed by spiky rocks and falling into a sea, suffocating under the endless waves, just like in every relationship he went through. It always ended up with his half-dead body, washed up on the shore as stray dogs circled him with intention of eating him alive. But this was different. Maybe this was the point in his life where he's finally worthy enough of true love.

"You know," Phil raised his beer. "I always knew you were innocent. I know you Techno, this wasn't your work, everyone who lived near your family knew that that little bastard had disturbed mind, always leaving animal carcasses around the royal garden. I can't believe he framed you like this and got away with it."

"Yeah it's.. it's messed up." Techno looked at the bottom of his empty glass. „Those first years in exile were brutal... when you get used to being pampered and having servants for everything, it's hard to adapt to getting care of yourself. I felt like I was going to rot in that fortress and that my remains will never see the light of day."

„And what made you come out? What happened after that?" Phil's eyes widened, getting excited about rest of the story.

Techno just chuckled nervously, looking at Dream who was sipping his mead silently while admiring his partner's beauty. „Maybe he could tell you that."

Phil's eyebrow went up as he thought Dream was just friend Techno made along the way to the city. „Oh really? You found him?"

„I..." Dream scratched back of his neck with nervous smile on his face. „...kind of.. hunted him down."

„...what?" man in front of him widened his eyes even more. „What do you mean by that?"

The genuine fear in Phil's eyes made Techno cackle up. He just grabbed his beer, enjoying the show that was playing in front of his eyes.

„Well you see... for some „uknown" reason there was a bounty on Techno's head and me and my friend George thought, as professional bounty hunters we are, that it could be a good opportunity. We thought that taking him down as two versus one would be easy but he was just too damn good." He smiled at his boyfriend, noticing the faint red tinge on his cheeks.

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