Chapter 19

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This morning felt like nothing bad in the world ever happened before. The sun was shining, uncovering little diamond droplets on soft, moss blanket, making the whole forest smell like pine trees. The sky was blue with little lacing of silky white clouds, that were slowly passing through the roof of this beautiful valley. None of the beauty compared to the man Dream was currently laying on.

With his head laying on his lap, he could watch his face for as long as he wished for. He could watch him laugh, seeing the little wrinkles from all that smiling in the corners of his mouth appear, noticing that those weren't here before. He also noticed how soft his pastel pink hair looked, fitting perfectly to his pale skin that was decorated with little scars, making him look sweet but also intimidating as hell. It was something that sent shivers down his spine for all the good reasons. 

It felt like something out of his childhood fantasies, seeing all his best friends chat with smiles on their faces over the campfire, enjoying breakfast together in beautiful forest while man of his dreams is running his big hand through his hair, looking like a fairytale prince that came to his miserable life to save him. 

After all.. he was a real life prince.

"Techno?" he asked him as something suddenly hit him, making the man above him turn his head to him. "How exactly are you planning on proving that your brother is a murderer?"

All the laughter disappeared, making Wilbur and George turn their heads to Techno, waiting for him to respond. This morning was full of poking fun of the couple, making light jokes around their newly found relationship and everyone was just having fun. It almost felt like they were just on some road trip, not on throne-taking mission. The question of "how the hell are we going to do this" was something that was hovering over their heads through the whole journey but no one dared to ruin the fun atmosphere.

"Um... I have my ways. That's none of your business, you are here just as moral support." Techno answered with cold, uncomfortable expression on his face, looking like this was something he was trying to avoid for a long time.

"But I mean... this is kind of important, I think we should know that." Dream responded, making the other two men just nod as they were too scared to go over Techno's boundaries with asking him about something he clearly did not wanted to talk about it, being too scared of giant's response.

"You will just wait outside for me, I don't want you to get hurt because of my family's business. Especially you." he looked into his eyes, making Dream soft and mushy. "And you two too, obviously."

"Oh yeah, sure." Wilbur rolled his eyes with faint smile on his face. He knew very well that Techno wasn't a dick and that he cared about his friends a lot.

"...t-that's nice, but we should really know what is going to happen." Dream tried to not get affected by Techno's smooth words, feeling that the fear over his lover's life get much stronger than love. "If something goes wrong, we should react correctly."

Techno just sighed, knowing that he should probably just tell them. "You see... excessive use of dark magic, especially heavy spells, takes tool on your body." he caughed, clearing his throat. "There are many ways it can manifest. Darker hair, little spider veins all over your body, nosebleeds... but since my brother's hair was always black, make-up exists and nosebleeds can be blamed on anything, there is also one very specific thing that happens to your body."

"...and that is?" Dream asked, watching pink haired man's face.

"Your blood turns black." 

Everyone went silent, just looking at each other as they immediately understood why Techno refused to talk about this.

"So you have to..."

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