Chapter 10

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Dream left George behind as he was running away from the bonfire, trying to find Techno and Wilbur in dark streets, clearly not understanding what Wilbur told him before.

'I must find him, I need to find Techno' his mind raced, trying to come up with place they could choose as their hideout.

He made his way though the whole village, feeling his heart pounding at his ribcage as he saw a movement in corner of his eye, leading him to the alleyway next to the hospital. His whole body froze as he saw Techno, sitting down and leaning onto the wall while being hugged by Wilbur. He immediately noticed him.

"What do you want from him Dream?" he tried to sound nice, but every word felt like a posion he was trying to kill Dream with.

"...I wanna know what's happening." he was trying to look over Wilbur's body, trying to catch a glimpse of Techno's face.

"It's not the best time, go away-"

"Wilbur don't.." pink haired man spoke softly, like he was trying desperately to sound okay. He failed miserably.

Wilbur looked at him like he was asking for a consent once again, not being sure with letting Dream near to his best friend. Techno just lightly patted his arm, breaking the tight hug in what Wilbur embraced him. Curly haired boy stood up, once again shooting him a look like he was saying "Are you really sure?"

"Just.. Give us a moment." Techno told him, burying his face in his knees as he hugged them.

'Fuck, this is bad' Dream thought to himself as he approached him, seeing Wilbur leave them in the dark alleyway. He kneeled down, watching Techno's body tremble as he tried to touch him like Wilbur did, immediately taking his hand off pink haired man's knee.

"Techno, what is happening?" 

Said man just took a deep breath, thinking about the way he's going to explain this to Dream. He was sure he's not stupid, he would probably get it. But he's also extrovert, he feels so good around people, he's so natural when the spotlight is on him. Techno was worried that he was once of those people he experienced in past; men and women who told him to just 'man up', 'be himself' or 'take a deep breath and just DO IT'.

Obviously, none of those things were helpful. It was more the opposite way.

He remembered the way they looked at him. Courtiers who followed king's every move, bootlickers that looked like they wanted to help but then gosspied behind his back, talking about how he was arrogant, incompetent or just plain stupid. He remembered walking by dad's side, trying to be educated about his future royal duties and excelling in everything but public speaking.

Dad was never mean to him because of it, although he saw the face he always made when Techno messed up, sad but hopeful, like he was telling him 'You messed up, but that ain't the end of the world.' The courtiers weren't that nice. Giggles and scoffing could be heard around the whole room and it made his stomach curl into a little ball, making him feel like he's going to melt into a floor.

'Am I good enough for this?'

He spent nights buried into books, feeling like this is his safe place, place where noone is going to judge him just for this one little thing. It felt humiliating and only made his anxiety worse as he one day discovered that his parents hired a guy specificaly for him, someone who would "treat" his little problem. 

No matter how many times he tried this, he always started sweating, mumble and then tremble. He always felt like his soul got pushed out of his body, operating his movements and words like he was a little soldier in big machine he was supposed to handle. Eventually, he collapsed under the weight of his body, trying to keep his chin up and look confident made him tired, being tired made him sleep all day and sleeping all day made him feel like his life is fleeting.

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