Chapter 2

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The pale moon illuminated the village while a man was seen walking towards the forest. Dream was on his quest, ready like never before. He was tightly holding onto his diamond sword, looking for his horse. As he walked to the edge of the village, he finally found his white stallion sleeping peacefully while tied to the fence.

„Hey big boy..." He caressed his mane, waking him up carefully. „We're going on a little adventure."

He put a saddle on his back and a bridle on his head, all while scratching him so he could relax to prepare for the long ride. When he was done, he finally jumped on his beloved horse and escaped to the shadows of tall pine trees, dissapearing into the night.

The ride was peaceful and swift, so Dream decided to once again go through the things he packed for his little mission. His leather bag contained some dried meat just in case it took longer than he expected. Along with that, he also packed some water and bandages. He was pretty confident with his skills when it came to swordfighting. But he knew for a fact that it was a good idea to pack a bow and some arrows as well... just in case of the off chance something actually goes horribly wrong.

After an hour, he started to recognize the path. The way trees clinged to one side and how the stones were covered in moss were familiar. Then there it was. The place where he lost his dignity.

Even from afar he saw the trail of blood Technoblade left behind when he dissapeared. A smirk appeared on Dream's face as he went through this beautiful memory. It felt so good when he made him bleed, blood spilling everywhere, including Techno's crimson cape, soaking it up. He wondered if he intentionally chose to wear red to make his opponents think that he's never bled before.

The blood on the dirty ground was still visible, making Dream's job much easier. He followed the stains and narrowed the direction to one, almost invisible path. It led deep into the woods that were surrounding the mountains. Suddenly Dream felt a tug on his stomach, fear spilling into his veins.

The moonlight couldn't go through the thick coverage of massive branches and the ground under the pine trees was in complete darkness. It made every little moving leaf or animal ten times scarier. Everything looked like it was going to kill him.

With a gulp, he decided to move forward. He tried to think about anything other than the terrifying forest that was currently surrounding him. His hand was still on the sword, making him feel just a little bit safer. But it wasn't enough to stop himself jumping at every little sound.„What the fuck is wrong with me?" He thought to himself. Fear was a normal human emotion, of course it was. Dream never denied that even he, a seemingly fearless hunter, was sometimes scared. Though it was about him being terrified of losing his friends or not being able to protect them more so than it was about his value of his own life.

Shadows and heights never bothered him. After all, he fought his way through the deepest, darkest caves and not even underwater temples filled with monsters made him shiver. Half dead, he went against a horde of zombies just so he could protect the people that depended on him. As long as Dream lived, bravery stayed alive.

But this... This was new. He was used to rushes of adrenaline, but never like this. He enjoyed the past feelings of adrenaline rush despite not being able to relax. During those times, he would've usually thought of his next moves on the go as he was riding his horse. However, this new feeling made him unfocused. He didn't like it.

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