Chapter 20

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There was something terrifying about seeing Technoblade's face lose all blood as he saw the lights flickering in the dead of night behind a tall stone wall in the distance. 

"Is that it?"

"...yes, it is." 

He recognized these walls, it almost felt like the texture, the way every stone fitted into another was written into his brain. He slowly walked along the edge of the town, running his fingers through the cracks that appeared over the years he left this place. He remembered the wall and it remembered him, but just like him, it grew over the years, seemingly touching the sky. 

"You know," Wilbur spoke to him. "We can still turn back and leave. We are not going to be mad."

"No, we can't just give up on this now that we are here," Techno shook his head, turning to his friends and boyfriend. "But you can stay here while I deal with this."

Dream just groaned. "We talked about this already. Unless you slice us up on the spot, we are not going to leave your side."

Both Wilbur and George nodded, waiting for Techno to respond, but they all knew that he is not going to go against his boyfriend's wish. It seemed like that the great Technoblade finally got tamed, and noone thought that it would be a pretty blonde boy with deep green eyes and little freckles dusted on his cheeks.

"...alright." he tried to fight his urge to blush, turning away from his friends to hide his face. "We just gotta come up with a way of getting over this tall ass wall. There is no way I can go through the gates, everyone would recognize me right away."

They all started thinking, trying to come with something that did not include a catapult or violent raid. Techno stood under the walls his sibling created years before he came, knowing very well that this day will come and that he has to make this as difficult as possible, building over nice little nice wall that their parents made and creating giant, 30 feet tall monster of a wall. All that screamed that behind these walls was a tyrant.

The longer he stood there, the smaller he felt against the big hoard of stones and cement, feeling like this was his personal Mount Everest and he was the mummy, forever preserved in the immortal ice, used only as a tourist mark for other man that try to conquer this giant mountain.

"Oh, I will handle this." Wilbur suddenly spoke to him with smile on his face, moving closer to the wall. He started going along it's shape for a few minutes while looking like an idiot before little spark appeared in his eyes as he saw a little red brick, that was positioned right behind a big bush.

"Gentleman, follow me." he said with confident smile on his face, pushing the brick inside the wall which suddenly turned into a little secret opening as everyone's jaw dropped to the floor.

" the hell did you did that?" Techno looked actually impressed. "You bribed the builders to make this here? Thats nifty as hell Wilbur, I gotta give you that."

"Nah, I am not skilled like this. But I know someone who is." he winked at him. "You will never in milion years believe who lives right behind this part of the wall."

Techno blinked quickly as hundreds of faces ran over his mind, making him shiver in excitement but also in fear. He remembered that many of those people are probably dead, and it was only because of him.

"I... I have no idea.." he spoke quietly, the stress visibly taking over him. All those wild fantasies spread aroundhis mind like a posion, making him paranoid for some reason. This is way too perfect to be true, is Wilbur on brother's side? Is there an army of soilders on the other side, just waiting to cut him and his friends up? Is he strong enough?

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