Chapter 3

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The room where Dream was currently locked was dark and cold, illuminated ony by small white candle. The sound of silence was taking it's tool on his sanity and blonde man was pretty sure he was slowly going insane. For how long was he imprisoned? He was sure it was just a few hours, but for him it was like a whole year.

He started at doors, waiting for the to open, but nothing moved and only sound he heard was mice tippy tapping around his cell. The thought of taking a nap and gaining so needed energy was something he deeply craved but also strictly refused, he was pretty sure that if he fell asleep and let his guard down, it was possible that he will never wake up.

Well not really sure... but it was possibility.
He was confused. If Techno wanted him dead so badly, why would he just imprison him? He could easily cut his head off, slicing his body and feeding it to forest monsters. But there he was, sitting in cold but kind of comfortable cell, sitting on soft bed and not being tortured. Why?

Dream was a guy that needed to overthink everything, which was good when it came to coming up with plan, but almost painful in situations like this. Thinking about human interactions was.. weird to him. He wasn't asocial, god no, he was the exact opposite. Outgoing and loud, sometimes even obnoxious but super friendly. He had no problem with socializing and being in presence of new people made him super excited. Meeting new people was always nice.

But Technoblade made him nervous as hell.

It made him angry. Not only he made him look average when it came to fighting skills, but he also dared to make him anxious. How dared he.

His train of thought was interrupted by loud, heavy steps outside of his cell, followed by sound of keys opening the door.

„Still grumpy?" Technoblade spoke to him, trying to cover up his smirk.

Dream only growled in response. He felt like a little stupid animal that fell in his trap like this, with hands stuck in handcuffs and all his weapons taken away. It was like he was naked in front of his biggest bully.

„Alright, I think that you need something to calm down. Come here." He gestured to blonde man to come forward, out of the cell.

Dream didnt like following orders, but he knew that another minute in this god damned cell would make him lose his mind. He sighed and stood up, following taller man's steps.

Techno had his hand on diamond sword just in case his new „prisoner" had another stupid idea and tried to sneak out. He wasn't stupid, he knew that Dream was eyeing the surroundings the whole time, trying to come up with plan.

„Where are we going?" he finally spoke, trying to keep his voice steady and calm.

„Dining room."

„This filthy place has a dining room?"

„It's castle you moron."

Dream just rolled his eyes. He was just poking fun at him and he hated it, he hated being disrespected, especially by this motherfucker. But once Techno opened heavy wooden door, he actually saw a big beautiful dining room, illuminated by soft orange light from torches and various candles. It almost seemed romantic, if it wasnt for him and his enemy.

„Take a seat, I will be right back with some food." Pink haired man said casually, like he was just showing off his home to old friend. That pissed off Dream even more.

„Yeah, like I am going to fall for this. Poisoning the food is the oldest trick."

„Poison is quite expensive," Technoblade told him. „I am not wasting it on some peasant that just ruined my leather seat."

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now