Chapter 18

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It was still dark outside, when Dream woke up from the most beautiful dream he has ever experienced.

Moon was slowly fading away into the dark that awaited it behind the mountains, making a space for sun to rise up and shine upon this beautiful valley. The forest was quiet for it was still asleep, making a safe space for anoyne seeking a place to rest. Dream wasn't feeling rested at all. He felt like he was going to die soon and rot here into the moss.

He felt the goosebumps on his skin appear as he realized that the strong arm of his lover, that he dreamt about that night, wasn't wrapped around him, cold air getting under his skin. He trembled, getting overwhelmed by the feeling of being left alone in the freezing tent. There was something about that dream not being reality that crushed him. 

Maybe it was the realization that Techno will never hear what he means to him.

Maybe it was the fact that Techno would never do something as bold as hugging him from behind on his own. 

Maybe it was just the feeling that... that he was not wanted. 

He felt invisible force push into his chest, making him surpress his cries into his arm. He felt pathetic, having a breakdown over a stupid dream, something that doesn't even exist. It was so stupid.

"...Dream?" he heard Techno's deep voice behind him, feeling the tint of fear in his voice.

"Y-Yeah?" he tried to wipe little tears in corners of his eyes with his sleeve, trying to not look like he was crying over man next to him.

"Are you alright? You got out of my arms in the middle of the night and now you are crying..." 

Dream's cheeks heated up immediately, feeling his whole body tense as he went over the sentence he just heard.

" wasn't a dream?" he was so perplexed that he forgot he wanted to bawl his eyes out.

"What do you mean?"

"Well.. you know. You hearing my stupid little confession and then hugging me from behind..?"

He could hear Techno's stiffled soft laugh as he wrapped his arms around him once again, pushing him into his embrace. "I can do it once again and pinch you if you are not convinced."

Dream felt his tiny body being basically swallowed by Techno's arms and chest, feeling like he's being wrapped in warm, soft blanket. Everything about it felt so surreal, but he could tell now that it was true, that the smell of rose petals and perfume was real and the warmth coming from his lover's body was not a product of his touch starved mind.

"You are.. not mad?"

"Why should I be?"

"Because I am little crybaby and I can't even confess right..." Dream tugged on Techno's cape he used as a blanket, bringing it right under his chin so he could be completely tugged under it.

He heard Techno sigh behind him. " least you have the balls to confess."

They both went silent for a minute, feeling Technoblade's words settle in. "I um.. I am not really good with words... but you are master in this, you know? You just let the words come out like it's nothing, without fear." he sighed once again, hugging him tightly. "I like that about you. I like that you are fearless and unapologetically yourself. I wish I could do that too..."

Dream knew very well what he was talking about. He turned his face to him as he looked into his eyes while they were both in cold embrance of night, trying to warm each other up. 

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